Compokedex is a modern open-source Android project developed with Jetpack Compose and based on MVVM architecture with the use of Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack, and Material Design 3 libraries.
PokemonList Light | PokemonList Dark |
PokemonDetails Light | PokemonDetails Dark |
ComposeDex includes the following features, built using the following libraries:
Jetpack Compose
The application is developed using Jetpack Compose, which is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI. -
Hilt is used as the dependency injection library, which simplifies the dependency injection process in Android. -
Navigation component is used to handle navigation between different screens in the app. -
Retrofit is used for making network requests to the backend API. -
Coroutines are used for handling asynchronous operations, making the app more responsive and performant. -
Coil is used as the image loading library, which is a fast and efficient way of loading images in Android. -
Palette library is used to extract color palettes from images, which is used for theming the UI. -
The Lifecycle library is used to manage the lifecycle of components in the app. -
The Material-3 library is used for implementing Material Design 3 guidelines, providing a modern and consistent UI design. -
OkHttp is used as the HTTP client library for making network requests in the app. -
Timber is used for logging messages in the app, making it easier to debug issues. -
HiltCompose is an extension of the Hilt library that provides support for Jetpack Compose.
These libraries play a crucial role in making ComposeDex a modern, performant, and user-friendly Android app.