I wrote this cleaner as a way to delete pods for jobs that got "stuck", jobs that just seemed to stop doing anything but the job and pod were both in a running state for hours. The activeDeadlineSecond would delete the job, but this wouldnt resolve any alerts from alert manager. This project is my fix, and a good excuse to write go.
Environment Variable | Type | Description |
InCusterConfig | bool | Used to determine which clientset should be used for kubernetes authentication. Defaults to false, set to true to use inside a cluster as a cronjob. |
ActiveDeadlineSecond | float64 | Used to determine which jobs/pods should be identified for cleanup. Defaults to 4200. |
GetPodLogs | bool | Used to determine if the pods logs should be relogged as Information. Defaults to false. |
LogTail | int64 | Used to determine the tail of logs that should be relogged, if GetPodLogs is set to true, otherwise it is ignored. Defaults to 100. |
CleanFailedJob | bool | Used to determine if jobs that are in a failed state should be identified for cleanup. DeleteJob must be true for these jobs to be deleted. Defaults to false. |
DeleteJob | bool | Used to determine if jobs that are identified for cleanup should be deleted. Defaults to false. |
DeletePod | bool | Used to determine pods that are identified for cleanup should be deleted. Defaults to false. |
ExcludedNamespaces | string | Comma separted list of namespaces to NOT clean. |
curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/\
kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/install_kustomize.sh" | bash
chmod u+x ./kustomize
cp -a ./manifests/. .
./kustomize edit set image kevinshelaga/cronjob-cleaner:tag=kevinshelaga/cronjob-cleaner:latest
./kustomize build . | kubectl -n monitoring apply -f -
helm upgrade cronjob-cleaner ./helm -n monitoring --create-namespace --install
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