Shary is a Mac OS App created to easily send files in the cloud and automatically paste a link to your clipboard. This App is written in Javascript with Electron.
It sends media files to an Amazon S3 Bucket, and sends the associated data information to another server, used to create an access link and display said media on a webpage.
This is only the “App” part of services like Infinit, CloudApp, Cloudup… it only sends the data. If you want a complete service, you will need to create your own website to host webpages, and create your own S3 bucket to store your media.
- Drag & drop files on App icon
- Send screenshots automatically (cmd + shift + 3 & cmd + shift + 4)
- Paste link to clipboard
- Two steps sound notification: First sound when link is created, second one when upload is finished
- Allow Multiple files
- Preference: Launch at start
- Prevent new uploads during process
- Set minimum time between sound notifications
- Improve area screenshot (cmd + shift + 4)
- Offline: Specific icon & prevent new uploads
- Preference: enable/disable screenshot service
- Video Screen (
- ..
Mac OS 10.12.4
npm run dev
npm run build