Utility is used for spellchecking words into Solr's synonyms vocabulary. It works in interaction with user and user may select proper value of the suggested word.
Logic of the script:
- Replace digraphs (two letters) to one grapheme according to current languages rules (f.x. for Danish replace "oe" to "ø")
- Check spelling.
- If spelling is wrong - suggest proper spelling.
- User should accept some version or skip word.
To run script you need to install aspell library and vocabularies.
sudo apt-get install aspell-da aspell-hr aspell-hu aspell-nl aspell-no aspell-pl aspell-ro
This library has been used for the script: https://github.com/trustmaster/go-aspell It contains information how to install necessary modules for Go.
./solr_spellcheck input_file locale