This package will install repository for MODX Revolution. There you will find:
- pdoTools - a package of fast and handy snippets.
- miniShop2 - advanced web-shop with handy products management.
- HybridAuth - social authentication.
- MinifyX - combine and minify css, js, coffee, less and scss files.
- AjaxForm - send your forms through ajax.
- Theme.Bootstrap - Bootstrap3 + pdoTools + MinifyX.
- Jevix - html validator and filter.
- Tickets - Blogs, comments and user-generated content.
- mSearch - simple search and filters with only russian morphology.
- eventsCalendar2 - ajax calendar with events.
- DateAgo - pretty date formatting.
- Loginza - russian social authentication.
- PhpHypher - hyphenation of text.
- PageBreaker - allow you to explode one big page to smaller.
- mSearch2 - advanced search and filter with russian and english morphology.
- Office - private office for customer of miniShop2.
- msDiscount - discount system for miniShop2.
- ms2Gallery - port of miniShop2 gallery for non-CRC resources.
- debugParser - show all tags on page with time of processing.
- Uploadify - HTML5 files upload on frontend with generating image previews.
- AdminPanel - customizable panel for administration of your site.
- formConstruct - simple construction of form for FormIt.
- Various payment methods for miniShop2: Z-Payment, Qiwi, Robokassa and RBK money.