Python libary for interfacing with AV Access devices over serial. Designed for use with Home Assistant.
Although this library was created for and tested with the 4kmx42-h2a, it was written so that it could be easily expanded for use with any AV Access device.
If you're a developer - please consider contributing to this project :)
If you're not a developer - open an issue with the model and features of your device and I'll see what I can do
from pyavaccess import HDMIMatrixSerial
# Interface with a "4kmx42-h2a" device over serial at "/dev/ttyUSB0"
av = HDMIMatrixSerial("/dev/ttyUSB0", "4KMX42-H2A")
# Print current version
# Get a map of active input for each output {out: in, ...}
outputMap = av.getMappings()
# For each output, print the input mapped to it
for output, input in outputMap.items():
print("Output {} is mapped to input {}".format(output, input))
# Set the input for output 1 to input 4
av.mapOutput(1, 4)
# Check that the mapping was successful
assert av.getMapping(1) == 4
The tests for this library are driven by pytest and require connection to an AV Access device.