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feat: tactic mode
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kim-em authored Oct 10, 2023
2 parents e387a35 + 933547c commit 9fa1560
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64 changes: 58 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
# A read-eval-print-loop for Lean 4

Run using `./run`.
Run using `lake exe repl`.
Communicates via JSON on stdin and stdout.
Commands should be separated by blank lines.

The REPL works both in "command" mode and "tactic" mode.

## Command mode

In command mode, you send complete commands (e.g. declarations) to the REPL.

Commands may be of the form

Expand All @@ -23,13 +30,22 @@ You can only use `import` commands when you do not specify the `env` field.

You can backtrack simply by using earlier values for `env`.

The results are of the form
The response includes:
* A numeric label for the `Environment` after your command,
which you can use as the starting point for subsequent commands.
* Any messages generated while processing your command.
* A list of the `sorry`s in your command, including
* their expected type, and
* a numeric label for the proof state at the `sorry`, which you can then use in tactic mode.

Example output:

[{"pos": {"line": 1, "column": 18},
"endPos": {"line": 1, "column": 23},
"goal": "⊢ Nat"}],
"goal": "⊢ Nat",
"proofState": 0}],
[{"severity": "error",
"pos": {"line": 1, "column": 23},
Expand All @@ -39,7 +55,43 @@ The results are of the form
"env": 6}

showing any messages generated, or sorries with their goal states.
showing any messages generated, and sorries with their goal states.

## Tactic mode (experimental)

The only way to enter tactic mode at present is to first issue a command containing a `sorry`,
and then using the `proofState` index returned for each `sorry`.

Example usage:
{"cmd" : "def f : Nat := by sorry"}

[{"proofState": 0,
"pos": {"line": 1, "column": 18},
"goal": "⊢ Nat",
"endPos": {"line": 1, "column": 23}}],
[{"severity": "warning",
"pos": {"line": 1, "column": 4},
"endPos": {"line": 1, "column": 5},
"data": "declaration uses 'sorry'"}],
"env": 0}

{"tactic": "apply Int.natAbs", "proofState": 0}

{"proofState": 1, "goals": ["⊢ Int"]}

{"tactic": "exact -37", "proofState": 1}

{"proofState": 2, "goals": []}

At present there is nothing you can do with a completed proof state:
we would like to extend this so that you can replace the original `sorry` with your tactic script,
and obtain the resulting `Environment`

## Future work

Information is generated for tactic mode sorries,
but currently not for term mode sorries.
* Replay tactic scripts from tactic mode back into the original `sorry`.
* Serialization and deserialization of environments and proof states
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions REPL/InfoTree.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ Authors: Scott Morrison
import Lean

# Code to move (eventually) to core.
Mostly additional functions to deal with `InfoTree`.
Additional functions to deal with `InfoTree`.

open Lean Elab Meta
Expand Down
37 changes: 27 additions & 10 deletions REPL/JSON.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Authors: Scott Morrison
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean.Message
import Lean.Elab.InfoTree.Main
import REPL.Lean.ContextInfo
import REPL.InfoTree

open Lean Elab InfoTree

Expand All @@ -17,11 +15,19 @@ namespace REPL
If `env = none`, starts a new session (in which you can use `import`).
If `env = some n`, builds on the existing environment `n`.
structure Run where
structure Command where
env : Option Nat
cmd : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

Run a tactic in a proof state.
structure ProofStep where
proofState : Nat
tactic : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- Line and column information for error messages and sorries. -/
structure Pos where
line : Nat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,28 +62,39 @@ structure Sorry where
pos : Pos
endPos : Pos
goal : String
The index of the proof state at the sorry.
You can use the `ProofStep` instruction to run a tactic at this state.
proofState : Option Nat
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- Construct the JSON representation of a Lean sorry. -/
def Sorry.of (ctx : ContextInfo) (g : SorryType) (pos endPos : Lean.Position) :
IO Sorry := do pure <|
def Sorry.of (goal : String) (pos endPos : Lean.Position) (proofState : Option Nat) : Sorry :=
{ pos := ⟨pos.line, pos.column⟩,
endPos := ⟨endPos.line, endPos.column⟩,
goal := ← match g with
| SorryType.tactic g => do pure s!"{(← ctx.ppGoals [g])}".trim
| SorryType.term _ none => unreachable!
| SorryType.term lctx (some t) => do pure s!"⊢ {← ctx.ppExpr lctx t}" }
proofState }

A response to a Lean command.
`env` can be used in later calls, to build on the stored environment.
structure Response where
structure CommandResponse where
env : Nat
messages : List Message
sorries : List Sorry
deriving ToJson, FromJson

A response to a Lean tactic.
`proofState` can be used in later calls, to run further tactics.
structure ProofStepResponse where
proofState : Nat
goals : List String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- Json wrapper for an error. -/
structure Error where
message : String
Expand Down
178 changes: 161 additions & 17 deletions REPL/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import REPL.Frontend
import REPL.InfoTree
import REPL.Util.Path
import REPL.Util.TermUnsafe
import REPL.Lean.ContextInfo
import REPL.InfoTree

# A REPL for Lean.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,30 +57,165 @@ open Lean Elab

namespace REPL

Bundled structure for the `State` and `Context` objects
for the `CoreM`, `MetaM`, `TermElabM`, and `TacticM` monads.
structure ProofState where
coreState : Core.State
coreContext : Core.Context
metaState : Meta.State
metaContext : Meta.Context
termState : Term.State
termContext : Term.Context
tacticState : Tactic.State
tacticContext : Tactic.Context
namespace ProofState

open Lean Elab Tactic

/-- Run a `CoreM` monadic function in the current `ProofState`, updating the `Core.State`. -/
def runCoreM (p : ProofState) (t : CoreM α) : IO (α × ProofState) := do
let (a, coreState) ← (Lean.Core.CoreM.toIO · p.coreContext p.coreState) do t
return (a, { p with coreState })

/-- Run a `MetaM` monadic function in the current `ProofState`, updating the `Meta.State`. -/
def runMetaM (p : ProofState) (t : MetaM α) : IO (α × ProofState) := do
let ((a, metaState), p') ← p.runCoreM ( (ctx := p.metaContext) (s := p.metaState) do t)
return (a, { p' with metaState })

/-- Run a `TermElabM` monadic function in the current `ProofState`, updating the `Term.State`. -/
def runTermElabM (p : ProofState) (t : TermElabM α) : IO (α × ProofState) := do
let ((a, termState), p') ← p.runMetaM ( (s := p.termState) do t)
return (a, { p' with termState })

/-- Run a `TacticM` monadic function in the current `ProofState`, updating the `Tactic.State`. -/
def runTacticM (p : ProofState) (t : TacticM α) : IO (α × ProofState) := do
let ((a, tacticState), p') ← p.runTermElabM (t p.tacticContext |>.run p.tacticState)
return (a, { p' with tacticState })

Run a `TacticM` monadic function in the current `ProofState`, updating the `Tactic.State`,
and discarding the return value.
def runTacticM' (p : ProofState) (t : TacticM α) : IO ProofState :=
Prod.snd <$> p.runTacticM t

Evaluate a `Syntax` into a `TacticM` tactic, and run it in the current `ProofState`.
def runSyntax (p : ProofState) (t : Syntax) : IO ProofState :=
Prod.snd <$> p.runTacticM (evalTactic t)

Parse a string into a `Syntax`, evaluate it as a `TacticM` tactic,
and run it in the current `ProofState`.
def runString (p : ProofState) (t : String) : IO ProofState :=
match Parser.runParserCategory p.coreState.env `tactic t with
| .error e => throw (IO.userError e)
| .ok stx => p.runSyntax stx

/-- Pretty print the current goals in the `ProofState`. -/
def ppGoals (p : ProofState) : IO (List Format) :=
Prod.fst <$> p.runTacticM do (← getGoals).mapM (Meta.ppGoal ·)

end ProofState

/-- The monadic state for the Lean REPL. -/
structure State where
environments : Array Environment
lines : Array Nat
Environment snapshots after complete declarations.
The user can run a declaration in a given environment using `{"cmd": "def f := 37", "env": 17}`.
environments : Array Environment := #[]
Proof states after individual tactics.
The user can run a tactic in a given proof state using `{"tactic": "exact 42", "proofState": 5}`.
Declarations with containing `sorry` record a proof state at each sorry,
and report the numerical index for the recorded state at each sorry.
proofStates : Array ProofState := #[]

The Lean REPL monad.
/-- The Lean REPL monad. -/
We only use this with `m := IO`, but it is set up as a monad transformer for flexibility.
abbrev M (m : TypeType) := StateT State m

variable [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m]

/-- Get the next available id for a new environment. -/
def nextId : M m Nat := do pure (← get).environments.size
/-- Record an `Environment` into the REPL state, returning its index for future use. -/
def recordEnvironment (env : Environment) : M m Nat := do
let id := (← get).environments.size
modify fun s => { s with environments := s.environments.push env }
return id

/-- Record a `ProofState` into the REPL state, returning its index for future use. -/
def recordProofState (proofState : ProofState) : M m Nat := do
let id := (← get).proofStates.size
modify fun s => { s with proofStates := s.proofStates.push proofState }
return id

Construct a `ProofState` from a `ContextInfo` and optional `LocalContext`, and a list of goals.
/-- Run a command, returning the id of the new environment, and any messages and sorries. -/
def run (s : Run) : M m Response := do
let env? := s.env.bind ((← get).environments[·]?)
For convenience, we also allow a list of `Expr`s, and these are appended to the goals
as fresh metavariables with the given types.
def createProofState (ctx : ContextInfo) (lctx? : Option LocalContext)
(goals : List MVarId) (types : List Expr := []) : IO ProofState := do
ctx.runMetaM (lctx?.getD {}) do
let goals := goals ++ (← types.mapM fun t => Expr.mvarId! <$> Meta.mkFreshExprMVar (some t))
pure <|
{ coreState := ← getThe Core.State
coreContext := ← readThe Core.Context
metaState := ← getThe Meta.State
metaContext := ← readThe Meta.Context
termState := {}
termContext := {}
tacticState := { goals }
tacticContext := { elaborator := .anonymous } }

Run a command, returning the id of the new environment, and any messages and sorries.
def runCommand (s : Command) : M m (CommandResponse ⊕ Error) := do
let (env?, notFound) ← do match s.env with
| none => pure (none, false)
| some i => do match (← get).environments[i]? with
| some env => pure (some env, false)
| none => pure (none, true)
if notFound then
return .inr ⟨"Unknown environment."
let (env, messages, trees) ← IO.processInput s.cmd env? {} ""
let messages ← messages.mapM fun m => Message.of m
let sorries ← trees.bind InfoTree.sorries |>.mapM
fun ⟨ctx, g, pos, endPos⟩ => Sorry.of ctx g pos endPos
let lines := s.cmd.splitOn "\n" |>.length
let id ← nextId
modify fun s => { environments := s.environments.push env, lines := s.lines.push lines }
pure ⟨id, messages, sorries⟩
fun ⟨ctx, g, pos, endPos⟩ => do
let (goal, proofState) ← match g with
| .tactic g => do
pure (s!"{(← ctx.ppGoals [g])}".trim, some (← createProofState ctx none [g]))
| .term lctx (some t) => do
pure (s!"⊢ {← ctx.ppExpr lctx t}", some (← createProofState ctx lctx [] [t]))
| .term _ none => unreachable!
let proofStateId ← proofState.mapM recordProofState
return Sorry.of goal pos endPos proofStateId
let id ← recordEnvironment env
return .inl ⟨id, messages, sorries⟩

Run a single tactic, returning the id of the new proof statement, and the new goals.
-- TODO return messages?
-- TODO detect sorries?
def runProofStep (s : ProofStep) : M m (ProofStepResponse ⊕ Error) := do
match (← get).proofStates[s.proofState]? with
| none => return .inr ⟨"Unknown proof state."
| some proofState =>
let proofState' ← proofState.runString s.tactic
let id ← recordProofState proofState'
return .inl { proofState := id, goals := (← proofState'.ppGoals).map fun s => s!"{s}" }

end REPL

Expand All @@ -91,9 +228,14 @@ partial def getLines : IO String := do
| "\n" => pure "\n"
| line => pure <| line ++ (← getLines)

instance [ToJson α] [ToJson β] : ToJson (α ⊕ β) where
toJson x := match x with
| .inl a => toJson a
| .inr b => toJson b

/-- Read-eval-print loop for Lean. -/
partial def repl : IO Unit :=' loop ⟨#[], #[]⟩' loop {}
where loop : M IO Unit := do
let query ← getLines
if query = "" then
Expand All @@ -102,11 +244,13 @@ where loop : M IO Unit := do
match json with
| .error e => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (⟨e⟩ : Error)
| .ok j => match fromJson? j with
| .error e => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (⟨e⟩ : Error)
| .ok (r : Run) => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (← run r)
| .ok (r : REPL.ProofStep) => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (← runProofStep r)
| .error _ => match fromJson? j with
| .ok (r : REPL.Command) => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (← runCommand r)
| .error e => IO.println <| toString <| toJson (⟨e⟩ : Error)

/-- Main executable function, run as `lake env lean --run Mathlib/Util/REPL.lean`. -/
/-- Main executable function, run as `lake exe repl`. -/
def main (_ : List String) : IO Unit := do
searchPathRef.set compile_time_search_path%
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion run

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