Reinforcement Learning driven simulation of vacancy diffusion
conda update conda
pip install --upgrade pip
cd <rlsim_direcotry>
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate rlsim-env
- below example is for pytorch version 2.2.0 with cuda version 12.1
conda install pytorch=2.2.0 torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f
pip install torch_geometric
pip install -e .
pip install -e ".[dev]" # For developer version
:pip install mace-torch
: install from github page
We provide scripts in command line interface (CLI). Trained models and initial poscars (256 atoms with mono vacancy) are saved in figshare [TBD]
Exampeles are as follows:
- Generate dataset for pre-trained reaction encodings
rlsim-gen_pretrain_data -c '/path/to/config'
- Train a model for deep reinforcement learning (DRL)
rlsim rl-train -c '/path/to/context_bandit/config' # Contextual Bendit
rlsim rl-train -c '/path/to/dqn/config' # Deep Q Network training
- Deploy DRL
rlsim rl-deploy -c '/path/to/tks/config' # Transition kinetics simulation
rlsim rl-deploy -c '/path/to/dqn/config' # Lower-energy state sampling
- Generate dataset for time estimator
rlsim-gen_time_dataset -f '/path/to/poscars` -c '/path/to/config' -s 30 -n 100
- Train a time estimator
rlsim time-train -c '/path/to/time/config'
- Estimate time using the time estimator
rlsim-estimate_time -m t_net_binary '/path/to/model' -v 1 256 -t 300 -i '/path/to/trajectory -n 10 -s '/path/to/save_dir' -d cuda
examples of configurations are saved in conifgs
title={Learning Mean First Passage Time: Chemical Short-Range Order and Kinetics of Diffusive Relaxation},
author={Hoje Chun and Hao Tang and Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli and Ju Li},