Command line utility to automatically restart docker containers that are unhealthy or stopped/exited.
You can install docker-autoheal using homebrew
brew tap lehigh-university-libraries/homebrew
brew install lehigh-university-libraries/homebrew/docker-autoheal
Instead of homebrew, you can download a binary for your system from the latest release
Then put the binary in a directory that is in your $PATH
$ docker-autoheal --help
Usage of docker-autoheal:
-initial-backoff duration
how long to initially wait before restarting an unhealthy container (default 10s)
-interval duration
how often to check for docker container health (default 10s)
-lock-file string
lock file that when exists halts docker autohealh
-max-backoff duration
maximum time to wait before attempting a container restart (default 5m0s)
-webhook-key string
JSON key name to add webhook messages (default "text")
-webhook-url string
Send messages to a webhook
By default, every 10 seconds this service will check if any docker containers have exited or are unhealthy. It will then attempt to docker restart
the unhealthy container(s).
If the --webhook-url https://slack/webhook/url
is passed, a JSON payload will be sent to the webhook when the failure is detected. Once docker is healthy again an "All is well" message will be sent.
If you have a lock file created when code changes are rolled out to your docker service(s) via CI/CD, you can pass the path to the lockfile to this service via --lock-file /path/to/local/file
. If the file exists, autoheal execution will be paused until the file is removed to avoid colliding with the rollout process.
Ideally this service runs on your host system (and not in a docker container). Mainly so if this service dies for some reason, systemd can restart it (since this service can not restart itself if running inside docker).
$ cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker-autoheal.service
Description=Monitor docker health
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker-autoheal \
--webhook-url "$SLACK_WEBHOOK" \
--webhook-key "msg" \
--lock-file "/path/to/rollout.lock"
$ systemctl enable docker-autoheal.service
$ systemctl start docker-autoheal.service
If homebrew was used, you can simply upgrade the homebrew formulae for docker-autoheal
brew update && brew upgrade docker-autoheal
If the binary was downloaded and added to the $PATH
updating docker-autoheal could look as follows. Requires gh and tar
# update for your architecture
TAG=$(gh release list --exclude-pre-releases --exclude-drafts --limit 1 --repo lehigh-university-libraries/docker-autoheal | awk '{print $3}')
gh release download $TAG --repo lehigh-university-libraries/docker-autoheal --pattern $ARCH
tar -zxvf $ARCH
mv docker-autoheal /directory/in/path/binary/was/placed
rm $ARCH