This repository accompanies the following paper, currently under review: Mihali, A, Broeker, M, Ragalmuto, F, Horga, G. Introspective inference counteracts perceptual distortion, 2023, bioRxiv. In addition to the co-authors and several colleagues listed in the acknowledgements, also thanks to @astroahad!
This repository contains demo data and analysis and modeling code. We do not provide the experimental code here for now, but mention that to implement the spiral stimuli we adapted the implementation of Peter Scarfe's Contrast Modulated Spiral.
Watch the video of our MAE illusion implementation here. Fixate on the center white dot (here for 15 seconds) and report the direction of motion of the spiral which appears when the central dot changes color from white to yellow.
This package has been tested on macOS Monterey (12.5.1) with the following:
Matlab 9.6 (2019a, MathWorks, Massachusetts, USA)
We provide the output results of the Bayesian model fitting procedure. To run our model fitting scripts, please also download the Bayesian adaptive direct search (BADS) optimization algorithm by Luigi Acerbi.
We have datasets from Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 as alldata_E1.mat
and respectively alldata_E2.mat
, which are Nsubj * Ncond, with Nsubj being 22 for each. There are 4 conditions, combined such that they are in the following order:
- 1: No-Adapt-See
- 2: No-Adapt-Believe
- 3: Adapt-See
- 4: Adapt-Believe
All the participants performed Adapt-See first, followed by Adapt-Believe (except participant 2 in Experiment 2 who accidentally performed Adapt-Believe before Adapt-See). In Experiment 1, participants then performend No-Adapt-See followed by No-Adapt-Believe; in Experiment 2 the order of these last two conditions was randomized across participants.
All analyses were performed on the alldata
structs. For each subject and condition, there are 5 fields, each with variables of length Ntrials (121):
- stims: uniformly distributed on [-0.3, 0.3]
- resp: 0 (left/CCW) or 1 (right/CW)
- conf: 0 for low confidence, 1 for high confidence
- resp_times (sec)
- conf_times (sec)
For individual model fits, full simulated datasets and fits, complement the scripts from here with the data in the corresponding folders: More on data and model fits
outputs a large number of data figures from our manuscript: Figures 3, 4, 5 and 7 from main, Figures S2, S3 from Supplementary, and, if we change the model index from mi = 1 to mi = 4, we could also get Figure S6. To overlay the model predictions on top of the data, it callsPredict_bm_alll.m
. It loads the entire dataset, psychometric curve fits (psych_curves_fitting_m2_201_E2.mat
for exp.2) and, for exp_i = 2, Bayesian model fits (params_all_models6_E2_Nsubj_22.mat
- To fit the psychometric curves with the lapse parameter shared across the 4 conditions, we used the function
, which uses grid search for optimization and callsloglike.m
, which callsfunction_psi.m
- We fit the 6 Bayesian model variants via
. This script is ready to run but it takes a long time; the results will be saved asparams_all_models_E2_Nsubj_22.mat
, which we provide.fitting_exp_alll.m
, which finds the parameters that maximize the probability of the data given each model (maximum likelihood estimation) viaLoglike_bm_alll.m
loads the data, herealldata_E2.mat
, as well as the psychometric curve fits,params_psych_curves_exp2_m1_m2_all.mat
and outputs the best fitting parametersparams_all_models_E2_Nsubj_22.mat
generates Figure S5 and parameter_recovery_Bayesian_model_1_plot.m
generates Figure S7.
generates Figure S8.
generates Figure 6 from our paper (once the full dataset will be made available). Note that it loadsdv_val_mat.mat
- generated by theanalysis_all.m
script described above, as well asGLMEs_sliding_window_stim_locked_.mat
, generated by the scriptregressions_pupil_sliding_window_analysis_FIN.m
. Note that due to their large size, the majority of the .mat files will need to be downloaded from More on data and model fits. The output from the Eyelink eye tracker was parsed with variants of previous scripts: Specifically, the raw eye tracking data uploaded in OSF was parsed
, and the outputs combined to generate thepupil_all_tr_cond
- While
to generate Figure 7, here we show how we implemented the drift diffusion model fitting with PyDDM from Shinn et al, 2020.
We also share the data from Exp. 2 control, which we used to generate Figure S9. This is
, which is also Nsubj * Ncond, with Nsubj being 7. There are 4 conditions: -
1: No-Adapt-See
2: No-Adapt-Bias
3: Adapt-See
4: Adapt-Bias