Processing and preparation of eye traces for microsaccade analysis
The resulting output from the last script prep_for_BMD_and_preprocess.m
is a .txt
file - here S1_ORI10_BMD.txt
- that is ready to be run with the Bayesian microsaccade detection algorithm, directly as input to ./bmd
Sample data of one condition from one participant from Mihali et al, 2018, who performed the task version with eye-tracking.
acts on the raw Eyelink output and selects the trials that were completed without breaking fixation - the main output isS1ORI10_parsed.txt
acts onS1ORI10_parsed.txt
and parses the trials into the trial periods and also provides time stamps for the beginning and ends of each. It provides several files as outputs.prep_for_BMD_and_preprocess.m
selects the trial periods of interest and glues the time series together accordingly to prepare for microsaccade analysis with BMD, hereS1_ORI10_BMD.txt