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Fork of kelseyhightower/serverless-vault-with-cloud-run, reimagined as a terraform module to deploy Vault using Google Cloud Run.


In your existing terraform code, add something like what's seen in the example

The GCP project needs the following non-standard APIs enabled:

  • Artifact Registry API
  • Cloud Run API
  • Google Cloud KMS API
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) API

After terraform apply

Serverless Vault Architecture

After this module has been ran, the Vault server is up and running and has been initialized. The root token is encrypted in a GCS bucket.

If you list the GCS storage bucket you will see a new set of directories created by Vault:

$ gsutil ls gs://${TF_VAR_project}-data


Vault can be configured using the Vault UI by visiting the vault-server service URL in browser:

gcloud run services describe vault-server \
  --platform managed \
  --region ${TF_VAR_region} \
  --project ${TF_VAR_project} \
  --format 'value(status.url)'

You can also use the vault command line tool as described in the next section.

Retrieve the Vault Server Status Using the Vault Client

Download the Vault binary and add it to your path:

$ vault version

Vault v1.12.3 (209b3dd99fe8ca320340d08c70cff5f620261f9b), built 2023-02-02T09:07:27Z

Configure the vault CLI to use the vault-server Cloud Run service URL by setting the VAULT_ADDR environment variable:

export VAULT_ADDR=$(gcloud run services describe vault-server \
  --platform managed \
  --region ${TF_VAR_region} \
  --project ${TF_VAR_project} \
  --format 'value(status.url)')

We also need to set the VAULT_TOKEN

gsutil cp gs://${TF_VAR_project}-key/root-token.enc . > /dev/null 2>&1
base64 -d root-token.enc > root-token.dc
gcloud kms decrypt --key=vault --keyring=vault-server --location=global \
  --project=${TF_VAR_project} \
  --ciphertext-file=root-token.dc \
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat root-token)
rm root-token root-token.enc root-token.dc

Now you can retrieve the status of the remote Vault server:

$ vault status

Key                      Value
---                      -----
Recovery Seal Type       shamir
Initialized              true
Sealed                   false
Total Recovery Shares    1
Threshold                1
Version                  1.12.3
Build Date               2023-02-02T09:07:27Z
Storage Type             gcs
Cluster Name             vault-cluster-XXXXXXXX
HA Enabled               false