This is a C++ project on Win10, using Kinect2.0 sensor + OpenCV to get(save) Depth Data, Body Data and Color Data at 25fps.
- Color Data
- Depth Data
- Body Data
- Hand State
- Body Index Data
- Body Skeleton Data
Data Visualization now is available on multi-thread. Thread-main for collecting data form Kinect and saving data; Thread-1 for displaying color image; Thread-2 for displaying depth image.
See more details in code annotations.
- USB3.0
- Windows 10
- Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0
Install Kinect SDK v2.0_1409 and reboot, open Kinect Studio 2.0, make sure Kinect 2.0 can run successfully on Win10.
This CSDN blog can help you install Kinect2.0!
- Visual Studio 2019 (需要安装通用Windows平台开发和C++(v142)通用Windows平台工具)
- OpenCV 4.5.0 (所有dll文件都要复制到C:/Windows/System32/)
This CSDN blog can help you configure OpenCV on VS2019!
This CSDN blog can help you configure Kinect.h on the project!