This is a command line utility that helps you trade full sets of steam trading cards quickly and cheaply. It will be useful for you if:
- you generally don't want to spend money on trading cards
- you care more about maximizing your Steam XP and level than which specific badges you get.
- you use Steam Card Exchange to trade cards.
What it does:
- Downloads and analyzes the Steam Card Exchange trading bot inventory
- Prints a list of the cheapest full sets of cards available
- Optionally summarizes the credit value of your own cards, warning about overstocked cards
Note: This program does not consider the Steam Market value of cards, only the Steam Card Exchange credit value.
This utility is not affiliated with or endorsed by Steam or Steam Card Exchange.
Print the 20 cheapest games with more than one full set available:
SteamCardFinder -l 20
SteamCardFinder --limit 20
As above, plus print summary of own cards current credit value (card list read from mycards.txt), plus 15 credits saved up in your SCE profile:
SteamCardFinder -l 20 -c -r 15
SteamCardFinder --limit 20 --cards --credits 15
usage: SteamCardFinder [-c] [-d <file>] [-f] [-h] [-l <nr>] [-n <file>]
[-r <credit-amount>] [-s] [-v]
-c,--cards Read and summarize list of owned game
cards. Each line of the list file should
be on the form
Game name must match the name in the
online inventory exactly. Default file to
read from is mycards.txt
-d,--cardsfile <file> Name of the file to read owned game card
list from. Default is mycards.txt
-f,--file Read web page from input file instead of
from web.
-h,--help Print this help message
-l,--limit <nr> Max number of games to list.
-n,--filename <file> Name of the file to read/write web page
from/to. Default is input.json
-r,--credits <credit-amount> Number of credits you already have in your
Steam Card Exchange account.
-s,--save When reading from web, save webpage to
file specified by --filename option.
Default is input.json
-v,--verbose Print verbose information.
---------------------- SteamCardExchange Inventory Summary ---------------------
Total number of games: 7877
Number of games with more than one full set: 302
Limiting list to 20 cheapest games.
------------------------- Cheapest available Card Sets -------------------------
[Setsize / Sets / Cost - Name]
30 / 2 / 5 - Dungeon of Zolthan
30 / 2 / 5 - Heckabomb
30 / 2 / 5 - New kind of adventure
35 / 8 / 7 - Journey To The Center Of The Earth
35 / 4 / 5 - TAIKU MANSION
35 / 3 / 5 - BitRay
35 / 3 / 5 - RePete
35 / 3 / 7 - Chicken Shoot 2
35 / 3 / 7 - High On Racing
35 / 3 / 7 - Neon Space 2
35 / 3 / 7 - The Tower Of Elements
35 / 3 / 7 - VERGE:Lost chapter
35 / 2 / 5 - Agent Awesome
35 / 2 / 5 - BARRIER X
35 / 2 / 5 - Bunker 58
35 / 2 / 5 - Deep Space Dash
35 / 2 / 5 - EvilMorph
35 / 2 / 5 - Gun Metal
35 / 2 / 5 - Incoming Forces
35 / 2 / 5 - Life Beetle
----------------------------- My Game Card Summary -----------------------------
[(Set) Cards * Worth = Total - Name]
(195) 4 * 15 = 60 - Clicker Heroes
( 80) 2 * 8 = 16 - Detective Grimoire
( 80) 1 * 8 = 8 - Detective Grimoire
( 72) 3 * 8 = 24 - Terraria
-- TOTAL: 78
None of your cards are overstocked.
This is the main feature of SteamCardFinder. It will list all games for which at least two full sets of cards are available in the SCE trading bot inventory right now. Games with only one full set available are not listed because last cards are more expensive, and will almost never be worth it.
Games are listed like this:
30 / 2 / 5 - Dungeon of Zolthan
From left to right, the numbers are: credit price for a full set of cards, number of full sets available, and number of cards per set. The list is also sorted by the same numbers, in order. Number of cards per set is listed to facilitate quick trades: the SCE trading bot has a limit of six cards per trade, so games with more than six cards per set will require more trades.
It is a good idea to limit the list by using the --limit (-l)
option, otherwise the list will typically include several hundred games.
Games for which you already have the level 5 badge will not be interesting to you. To exclude them from the list, create a file called excluded.txt in the program working directory. Put the name of each game to exclude on a separate line in the file. The name must match the name in the SCE inventory exactly.
To use this feature, add the --cards (-c)
option to the command line, and create a file called mycards.txt in the program working directory. Each line of the file should have the format:
<number of cards>:<number of drops left>:<game name>
So for instance:
2:1:Detective Grimoire
The game name must match the name in the SCE inventory exactly. (Games with colons in their names are ok.) This will show you the current credit value of your owned cards and remaining drops. The output looks like this:
( 80) 2 * 8 = 16 - Detective Grimoire
( 80) 1 * 8 = 8 - Detective Grimoire
From left to right, the numbers are: price for a full set of cards for the game (to compare with what you're trading for: does not take last card prices into account!), number of cards you have, the credit price for each card, and the total credit value for the cards. The total credit value will then be listed, with and without remaining card drops:
-- TOTAL: 16
To also include credits you already have in your SCE profile in the total, add the --credits (-r)
option to the command line followed by the number of credits you have.
When the SCE trading bot already has 8 copies of a single card, the card is considered overstocked, and the bot won't accept any more copies from you. Currently, this tool does not identify specific overstocked cards that you have, but does give a warning if any card in a set where you have some cards is overstocked.
When listing your owned cards/drops and their worth, games with any overstocked cards will be marked with a '!'. The totals will be listed with a secondary amount (after a '!'), which excludes those games.
-- OWNED CARDS: 33 (! 15)
( 35) 3 * 5 = 15 - Journey To The Center Of The Earth
( 36) 3 * 6 = 18 - ! Yellow: The Yellow Artifact