The idea with this buildout configuration is show install a Plone latest version, with many Plone theme skins, Diazo Themes and usefull Theming tools for layout, adding custom icons and fonts with third-party add-ons theming into Plone.
In this suite are distributed around 6 differents Plone theme skins.
- quintagroup.theme.sunrain.
- quintagroup.theme.schools.
- quintagroup.theme.pythonreel.
- plonetheme.aclark_twitter.
- plonetheme.drupal.
- plonetheme.trantor.
In this suite are distributed around 53 differents Generic Diazo themes.
- chalkboardtheme_plone.
- beyondskins.brasilia.
- beyondskins.phantasmagoria.
- beyondskins.happy.
- beyondskins.colors.
- beyondskins.sports.
- beyondskins.sunflower.
- beyondskins.beyondskins.
- beyondskins.responsive.
- beyondskins.lostkatana.
- beyondskins.minimalist.
- diazotheme.amazium.
- diazotheme.baseline.
- diazotheme.bootstrap.
- diazotheme.bootswatch.
- diazotheme.goldilocks.
- diazotheme.initializr.
- diazotheme.kube.
- diazotheme.plone.
- diazotheme.purecss.
- diazotheme.skeleton.
- diazotheme.startup.
- plonetheme.amherst.
- plonetheme.aqueouslight.
- plonetheme.armadillotec.
- plonetheme.bananaleaf.
- plonetheme.burned.
- plonetheme.codapress.
- plonetheme.coolblue.
- plonetheme.darkened.
- plonetheme.diazo_sunburst.
- plonetheme.discovery.
- plonetheme.earthlingtwo.
- plonetheme.evergreen.
- plonetheme.flowerbuds.
- plonetheme.freshpick.
- plonetheme.gestured.
- plonetheme.grungeera.
- plonetheme.keepitsimple.
- plonetheme.leavesdew.
- plonetheme.motion.
- plonetheme.redmusic.
- plonetheme.pythonmexico.
- plonetheme.pollination.
- plonetheme.plumigreen.
- plonetheme.unbound11.
- plonetheme.unilluminated.
- plonetheme.transition.
- plonetheme.woodexperience.
- plonetheme.yoko.
- plonetheme.changecenter.
- plonetheme.unam.
- plonetheme.zopeorg.
Plone theming suite includes some Plone products and configurations like these:
- collective.cover for edit to create front pages and other composite pages.
- Products.Doormat for adds a doormat viewlet and installs it in the Plone footer.
- collective.fontawesome for add Font Awesome for Plone.
- medialog.googlefonts for add Googlefonts for Plone.
- collective.behavior.localdiazo for add Dexterity behavior to enable a local Diazo theme. for Plone.
- collective.behavior.localskin for add Dexterity behavior to enable a local theme skin for Plone.
Plone theming suite includes some JQuery features like these:
- zettwerk.ui add jquery.ui's themeroller to plone 4 for easy theme customization.
- add based themes for plone with's themeroller.
Plone theming suite includes some CSS Frameworks for Plone like these:
- diazoframework.plone is the base Diazo Framework for Plone.
- diazoframework.amazium that integrates the Amazium CSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.baseline that integrates the Baseline CSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.bootstrap that integrates the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework into Plone.
- that integrates the Zurb Foundation CSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.goldilocks that integrates the Goldilocks Approach CSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.kube that integrates the Kube CSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.purecss that integrates the PureCSS framework into Plone.
- diazoframework.skeleton that integrates the Skeleton CSS framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.cascade that integrates the Cascade Framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.gumby that integrates the Gumby Framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.ivory that integrates the IVORY Framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.metro that integrates the Metro Framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.wirefy that integrates the Wirefy Framework into Plone.
- diazotheme.framework.yaml4 that integrates the YAML CSS Framework into Plone.
To get a basic development installation running follow the steps below:
$ git clone $ cd plonethemes.suite $ python $ bin/buildout -vvvvvvvvN
Once the buildout has finished, you can access the site by starting up Plone.
$ bin/instance fg
Then go to the site in your browser: http://localhost:8080/Plone
The themes any aren't currently enabled, so you'll have to login to enable a theme for your Plone Site.
username: admin password: admin
If you run into any issues trying to get this to work, please, add an issue to the tracker here on this github project.
Really thanks to :
- Leonardo J .Caballero G. aka macagua
- Full name aka username
For an updated list of all contributors visit the following URL: