This repository contains a conda channel with the latest version(4.4.0) of r-base (R programming language) conda package.
Only for windows now!!
It helps you to use lastest version of r-base in conda environments. Only for Windows users now!
conda is a convenient tool to install and manager R environment. There are many benifits to use R in a conda environment. But the version of r-base in conda-forge and r channel are far too old. Currently, the latest official version of the R programming language is 4.4.0, but the latest version of r-base for Windows in the conda channel is 4.1.3.
2 ways to install r-base 4.4.0 in conda environments on Windows.
Add this channel ( into your conda sources.
conda config --add channels
Then install r-base 4.4.0.
conda install r-base=4.4.0
Download the conda package in release. Install it locally. Replace <path/to/r-base4.4.0> with the actual path of your download file.
conda install path/to/r-base4.4.0
In fact, I didn't compile the R base again when I bulit the package. I just installed the r-base 4.4.0.exe and packaged the binary files. It sounds handmake but it work, I guess.
Not for now, at least. It is possible and not difficult to make a linux conda package in the same way, I guess. Maybe someday I will update the linux version.