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Finish ub_lift_lim proof
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hei411 committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent cd770f7 commit 1bd71ed
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Showing 2 changed files with 113 additions and 1 deletion.
94 changes: 93 additions & 1 deletion theories/prob/union_bounds.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ From Coquelicot Require Import Rcomplements.
From stdpp Require Export countable.
From clutch.prelude Require Export base Coquelicot_ext Reals_ext stdpp_ext.
From clutch.prob Require Export countable_sum distribution.
From Coquelicot Require Import Rcomplements Rbar Lim_seq.

Open Scope R.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,7 +394,98 @@ Proof.
by apply HP, Hequiv.

Lemma ub_lift_epsilon_limit `{Eq: EqDecision A} (μ : distr A) f ε':
ε'>=0 -> (forall ε, ε>ε' -> ub_lift μ f ε) -> ub_lift μ f ε'.
intros Hε' H'.
assert (forall seq,(∃ b, ∀ n, 0 <= - seq n <= b) -> (∀ n, ub_lift μ f (ε'-seq n))->ub_lift μ f (ε'-Sup_seq seq)) as H_limit.
{ clear H'.
rewrite /ub_lift.
rewrite Rcomplements.Rle_minus_r.
rewrite Rplus_comm.
rewrite -Rcomplements.Rle_minus_r.
rewrite <- rbar_le_rle.
rewrite rbar_finite_real_eq.
+ apply upper_bound_ge_sup.
pose proof (H3 n P H4). rewrite rbar_le_rle. lra.
+ destruct H2 as [b H2].
apply (is_finite_bounded (-b) 0).
-- eapply (Sup_seq_minor_le _ _ 0). destruct (H2 0%nat). apply Ropp_le_contravar in H6.
rewrite Ropp_involutive in H6. apply H6.
-- apply upper_bound_ge_sup. intros n. destruct (H2 n). apply Ropp_le_contravar in H5.
rewrite Ropp_involutive in H5. rewrite Ropp_0 in H5. done.
replace ε' with (ε'- Sup_seq (λ x,(λ n,-1%R/(S n)) x)).
- apply H_limit.
{ exists 1.
intros; split.
-- rewrite Ropp_div. rewrite Ropp_involutive.
apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat; try lra.
rewrite S_INR. pose proof (pos_INR n).
-- rewrite Ropp_div. rewrite Ropp_involutive.
rewrite Rcomplements.Rle_div_l; [|apply Rlt_gt].
++ assert (1<=S n); try lra.
rewrite S_INR.
pose proof (pos_INR n).
++ rewrite S_INR.
pose proof (pos_INR n).
intros. apply H'.
assert (1/(S n) > 0); try lra.
apply Rlt_gt.
apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; first lra.
rewrite S_INR. pose proof (pos_INR n); lra.
- assert (Sup_seq (λ x : nat, - (1)%R / S x)=0) as Hswap; last first.
+ rewrite Hswap. erewrite<- eq_rbar_finite; [|done]. lra.
+ apply is_sup_seq_unique. rewrite /is_sup_seq.
intros err.
-- intros n.
eapply (Rbar_le_lt_trans _ (Rbar.Finite 0)); last first.
++ rewrite Rplus_0_l. apply (cond_pos err).
++ apply Rge_le. rewrite Ropp_div. apply Ropp_0_le_ge_contravar.
apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat; try lra.
rewrite S_INR. pose proof (pos_INR n); lra.
-- pose (r := 1/err -1).
assert (exists n, r<INR n) as [n Hr]; last first.
++ eexists n.
erewrite Ropp_div. replace (_-_) with (- (pos err)) by lra.
apply Ropp_lt_contravar.
rewrite Rcomplements.Rlt_div_l.
2:{ rewrite S_INR. pose proof pos_INR. apply Rlt_gt.
eapply Rle_lt_trans; [eapply H2|].
apply Rlt_n_Sn.
rewrite S_INR.
rewrite Rmult_comm.
rewrite <-Rcomplements.Rlt_div_l.
2:{ pose proof (cond_pos err); lra. }
rewrite <- Rcomplements.Rlt_minus_l.
rewrite -/r. done.
++ pose proof (Rgt_or_ge 0 r).
destruct H2.
--- exists 0%nat. eapply Rlt_le_trans; last apply pos_INR.
--- exists (Z.to_nat (up r)).
pose proof (archimed r) as [? ?].
rewrite INR_IZR_INZ.
rewrite ZifyInst.of_nat_to_nat_eq.
rewrite /Z.max.
{ rewrite Z.compare_eq_iff in H5.
exfalso. rewrite -H5 in H3. lra.
2: { rewrite Z.compare_gt_iff in H5. exfalso.
assert (IZR (up r) >= 0) by lra.
apply IZR_lt in H5. lra.

End ub_theory.

Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions theories/ub_logic/adequacy.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,3 +224,23 @@ Proof.
intro n.
apply (wp_union_bound Σ); auto.

Theorem wp_union_bound_epsilon_lim Σ `{ub_clutchGpreS Σ} (e : expr) (σ : state) (ε : nonnegreal) φ :
(∀ `{ub_clutchGS Σ} (ε':nonnegreal), ε<ε' -> ⊢ € ε' -∗ WP e {{ v, ⌜φ v⌝ }}) →
ub_lift (lim_exec (e, σ)) φ ε.
intros H'.
apply ub_lift_epsilon_limit.
{ destruct ε. simpl. lra. }
intros ε0 H1.
assert (0<=ε0) as Hε0.
{ trans ε; try lra. by destruct ε. }
pose (mknonnegreal ε0 Hε0) as NNRε0.
assert (ε0 = (NNRbar_to_real (NNRbar.Finite (NNRε0)))) as Heq.
{ by simpl. }
rewrite Heq.
eapply wp_union_bound_lim; first done.
intros. iIntros "He".
iApply H'; try iFrame.
simpl. destruct ε; simpl in H1; simpl; lra.

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