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haselwarter committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent 3ad915a commit 472bd22
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Showing 38 changed files with 360 additions and 793 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion external/proba/basic/bigop_ext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -469,7 +469,8 @@ Proof.
intros HP.
rewrite -(sum_index_ordinal_P_aux f l r P''); last first.
intros i Hlt. rewrite /P'' //=. destruct lt_dec as [?|n] => //=.
intros i Hlt. rewrite /P'' //=.
destruct lt_dec as [?|n] => //= ; eauto.
exfalso; apply n. apply /ltP. done.
rewrite /P'' //=.
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion external/proba/prob/rearrange.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -749,7 +749,9 @@ Proof.
intros n. rewrite /countable_sum/σ'//=.
destruct pickle_inv as [s|] => //=.
{ destruct Req_EM_T as [Heq0|Hneq0] => //=. }
{ destruct Req_EM_T as [Heq0|Hneq0] => //= ;
rewrite //= ; eapply EQ.
cut (is_series (countable_sum (λ n, Rabs (oapp a R0 (σ' n)))) v ∧
is_series (countable_sum (λ n, oapp a R0 (σ' n))) (Series (countable_sum a))).
Expand Down
96 changes: 49 additions & 47 deletions theories/app_rel_logic/adequacy.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ From iris.prelude Require Import options.

From clutch.prelude Require Import stdpp_ext iris_ext.
From clutch.prob_lang Require Import erasure notation.
From clutch.program_logic Require Import language weakestpre.
From clutch.common Require Import language.
From clutch.ub_logic Require Import error_credits.
From clutch.rel_logic Require Import spec_ra.
From clutch.app_rel_logic Require Import spec_ra.
From clutch.app_rel_logic Require Import app_weakestpre primitive_laws.
From clutch.prob Require Import distribution couplings_app.
Import uPred.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,29 +36,29 @@ Section adequacy.
to_val e1 = None →
reducible e1 σ1 ->
exec_coupl e1 σ1 e1' σ1' (λ '(e2, σ2) '(e2', σ2') ε',
|={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec_val n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec_val (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝) ε
⊢ |={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ1)) (lim_exec_val (e1', σ1')) φ ε⌝.
|={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝) ε
⊢ |={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ1)) (lim_exec (e1', σ1')) φ ε⌝.
iIntros (Hv Hred) "Hexec".
iAssert (⌜to_val e1 = None⌝)%I as "-#H"; [done|]. iRevert "Hexec H".
rewrite /exec_coupl /exec_coupl'.
set (Φ := (λ '(((e1, σ1),(e1', σ1')),ε'),
(⌜to_val e1 = None⌝ ={∅}▷=∗^(S n)
⌜ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ1)) (lim_exec_val (e1', σ1')) φ ε'⌝)%I) :
⌜ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ1)) (lim_exec (e1', σ1')) φ ε'⌝)%I) :
prodO (prodO cfgO cfgO) NNRO → iPropI Σ).
assert (NonExpansive Φ).
{ intros m (((?&?)&(?&?))&?) (((?&?)&(?&?))&?) [[[[=] [=]] [[=] [=]]] [=] ]. by simplify_eq. }
set (F := (exec_coupl_pre (λ '(e2, σ2) '(e2', σ2') ε',
|={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec_val n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec_val (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝)%I)).
|={∅}▷=>^(S n) ⌜ARcoupl (exec n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝)%I)).
iPoseProof (least_fixpoint_iter F Φ with "[]") as "H"; last first.
{ iIntros "Hfix %".
by iMod ("H" $! ((_, _)) with "Hfix [//]").
iIntros "!#" ([[[e1 σ1] [e1' σ1']] ε'']). rewrite /exec_coupl_pre.
iIntros "[(%R & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & % & %Hcpl & H) | [(%R & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & % & %Hcpl & H) | [(%R & %m & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & %Hcpl & H) | [H | [H | H]]]]] %Hv".
- rewrite exec_val_Sn_not_val; [|done].
rewrite lim_exec_val_prim_step.
- rewrite exec_Sn_not_final; [|eauto].
rewrite lim_exec_step.
iApply step_fupdN_mono.
{ apply pure_mono.
eapply ARcoupl_mon_grading; eauto. }
Expand All @@ -75,32 +75,32 @@ Section adequacy.
-- iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
-- iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
-- iPureIntro.
rewrite -(Rplus_0_r ε1).
pose proof (Rplus_0_r ε1) as h. simpl in h. rewrite -h. clear h.
apply (ARcoupl_eq_trans_r _ dzero); [apply cond_nonneg | lra | eauto |].
apply ARcoupl_dzero; lra.
-- iIntros ([e3 σ3] [e3' σ3']) "HR".
by iMod ("H" $! (e3,σ3) (e3',σ3') with "HR").
+ rewrite prim_step_or_val_no_val; [|done].
+ rewrite step_or_final_no_final; [|eauto].
iApply (ARcoupl_dbind' _ _ _ _ R); auto.
* iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
* iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
* iIntros ([] [] HR). by iMod ("H" with "[//]").
- rewrite exec_val_Sn_not_val; [|done].
- rewrite exec_Sn_not_final; [|eauto].
iApply step_fupdN_mono.
{ apply pure_mono.
eapply ARcoupl_mon_grading; eauto. }
rewrite -(dret_id_left (lim_exec_val)).
rewrite -(dret_id_left (lim_exec)).
iApply ARcoupl_dbind'.
* iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
* iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
* iPureIntro. by apply ARcoupl_pos_R in Hcpl.
* iIntros ([] [] (?&?& [= -> ->]%dret_pos)).
by iMod ("H" with "[//]").
- rewrite -(dret_id_left (exec_val _)).
- rewrite -(dret_id_left (exec _)).
iApply step_fupdN_mono.
{ apply pure_mono.
eapply ARcoupl_mon_grading; eauto. }
rewrite (lim_exec_val_exec m).
rewrite (lim_exec_pexec m).
iApply ARcoupl_dbind'.
+ iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
+ iPureIntro; apply cond_nonneg.
Expand All @@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ Section adequacy.
by iMod ("H" with "[//] [//]").
- iDestruct (big_orL_mono _ (λ _ _,
|={∅}▷=>^(S n)
⌜ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ1))
(lim_exec_val (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
⌜ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ1))
(lim_exec (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
with "H") as "H".
{ iIntros (i α Hα%elem_of_list_lookup_2) "(% & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & % & %Hcpl & H)".
iApply (step_fupdN_mono _ _ _
(⌜∀ e2 σ2 σ2', R2 (e2, σ2) σ2' → ARcoupl (exec_val n (e2, σ2))
(lim_exec_val (e1', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
(⌜∀ e2 σ2 σ2', R2 (e2, σ2) σ2' → ARcoupl (exec n (e2, σ2))
(lim_exec (e1', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
- iIntros (?). iPureIntro.
eapply ARcoupl_mon_grading; eauto.
rewrite /= /get_active in Hα.
Expand All @@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ Section adequacy.
by iApply "IH".
- iDestruct (big_orL_mono _ (λ _ _,
|={∅}▷=>^(S n)
⌜ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ1))
(lim_exec_val (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
⌜ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ1))
(lim_exec (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
with "H") as "H".
{ iIntros (i α' Hα'%elem_of_list_lookup_2) "(% & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & %Hcpl & H)".
iApply (step_fupdN_mono _ _ _
(⌜∀ σ2 e2' σ2', R2 σ2 (e2', σ2') → ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ2))
(lim_exec_val (e2', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
(⌜∀ σ2 e2' σ2', R2 σ2 (e2', σ2') → ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ2))
(lim_exec (e2', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
- iIntros (?). iPureIntro.
rewrite /= /get_active in Hα'.
apply elem_of_elements, elem_of_dom in Hα' as [].
Expand All @@ -149,17 +149,18 @@ Section adequacy.
rewrite big_orL_cons.
iDestruct "H" as "[H | Ht]"; [done|].
by iApply "IH".
- rewrite exec_val_Sn_not_val; [|done].
- rewrite exec_Sn_not_final; [|eauto].
iDestruct (big_orL_mono _ (λ _ _,
|={∅}▷=>^(S n)
⌜ARcoupl (prim_step e1 σ1 ≫= exec_val n)
(lim_exec_val (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
⌜ARcoupl (prim_step e1 σ1 ≫= exec n)
(lim_exec (e1', σ1')) φ ε''⌝)%I
with "H") as "H".
{ iIntros (i [α1 α2] [Hα1 Hα2]%elem_of_list_lookup_2%elem_of_list_prod_1) "(% & %ε1 & %ε2 & %Hleq & %Hcpl & H)".
rewrite -exec_val_Sn_not_val; [|done].
replace (prim_step e1 σ1) with (step (e1, σ1)) => //.
rewrite -exec_Sn_not_final; [|eauto].
iApply (step_fupdN_mono _ _ _
(⌜∀ σ2 σ2', R2 σ2 σ2' → ARcoupl (exec_val (S n) (e1, σ2))
(lim_exec_val (e1', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
(⌜∀ σ2 σ2', R2 σ2 σ2' → ARcoupl (exec (S n) (e1, σ2))
(lim_exec (e1', σ2')) φ ε2⌝)%I).
- iIntros (?). iPureIntro.
rewrite /= /get_active in Hα1, Hα2.
apply elem_of_elements, elem_of_dom in Hα1 as [], Hα2 as [].
Expand All @@ -178,10 +179,10 @@ Section adequacy.

Theorem wp_ARcoupl_step_fupdN (e e' : expr) (σ σ' : state) n φ (ε : nonnegreal) :
state_interp σ ∗ spec_interp (e', σ') ∗ spec_ctx ∗ err_interp ε ∗ WP e {{ v, ∃ v', ⤇ Val v' ∗ ⌜φ v v'⌝ }} ⊢
|={⊤,∅}=> |={∅}▷=>^n ⌜ARcoupl (exec_val n (e, σ)) (lim_exec_val (e', σ')) φ ε⌝.
|={⊤,∅}=> |={∅}▷=>^n ⌜ARcoupl (exec n (e, σ)) (lim_exec (e', σ')) φ ε⌝.
iInduction n as [|n] "IH" forall (e σ e' σ' ε); iIntros "([Hh Ht] & HspecI_auth & #Hctx & Herr & Hwp)".
- rewrite /exec_val /=.
- rewrite /exec /=.
destruct (to_val e) eqn:Heq.
+ apply of_to_val in Heq as <-.
rewrite wp_value_fupd.
Expand All @@ -190,15 +191,15 @@ Section adequacy.
iDestruct (spec_interp_auth_frag_agree with "HspecI_auth HspecI_frag") as %<-.
iDestruct (spec_prog_auth_frag_agree with "Hspec_auth Hspec_frag") as %->.
iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]; iIntros "_".
erewrite lim_exec_val_exec_det; [|done].
erewrite lim_exec_det_final ; last first ; eauto.
rewrite /dmap.
apply (ARcoupl_mon_grading _ _ _ 0); [apply cond_nonneg | ].
by apply ARcoupl_dret.
+ iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]; iIntros "_".
apply ARcoupl_dzero, cond_nonneg.
- rewrite exec_val_Sn /prim_step_or_val /=.
- rewrite exec_Sn /step_or_final /=.
destruct (to_val e) eqn:Heq.
+ apply of_to_val in Heq as <-.
rewrite wp_value_fupd.
Expand All @@ -209,17 +210,18 @@ Section adequacy.
iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]; iIntros "_".
iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|]. do 4 iModIntro.
rewrite exec_val_unfold dret_id_left /=.
erewrite lim_exec_val_exec_det; [|done].
rewrite exec_unfold dret_id_left /=.
erewrite lim_exec_det_final; do 2 eauto.
apply (ARcoupl_mon_grading _ _ _ 0); [apply cond_nonneg | ].
by apply ARcoupl_dret.
+ rewrite wp_unfold /wp_pre /= Heq.
iMod ("Hwp" with "[$]") as "(%Hred & Hcpl)".
rewrite -exec_val_Sn_not_val; [|done].
assert ((prim_step e σ) = (step (e, σ))) as h => //. rewrite h. clear h.
rewrite -exec_Sn_not_final ; [|auto].
(exec_coupl_mono _ (λ '(e2, σ2) '(e2', σ2') ε', |={∅}▷=>^(S n)
⌜ARcoupl (exec_val n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec_val (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝)%I
⌜ARcoupl (exec n (e2, σ2)) (lim_exec (e2', σ2')) φ ε'⌝)%I
with "[] Hcpl") as "H".
{ iIntros ([] [] ?) "H !> !>".
iMod "H" as "(Hstate & HspecI_auth & Hwp)".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ Proof. solve_inG. Qed.

Theorem wp_aRcoupl Σ `{app_clutchGpreS Σ} (e e' : expr) (σ σ' : state) n (ε : nonnegreal) φ :
(∀ `{app_clutchGS Σ}, ⊢ spec_ctx -∗ ⤇ e' -∗ € ε -∗ WP e {{ v, ∃ v', ⤇ Val v' ∗ ⌜φ v v'⌝ }} ) →
ARcoupl (exec_val n (e, σ)) (lim_exec_val (e', σ')) φ ε.
ARcoupl (exec n (e, σ)) (lim_exec (e', σ')) φ ε.
intros Hwp.
eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_no_lc _ n 0).
Expand All @@ -267,7 +269,7 @@ Proof.
set (HspecGS := CfgSG Σ _ γsi _ γp _ _ γHs γTs).
set (HclutchGS := HeapG Σ _ _ _ γH γT HspecGS _).
iMod (inv_alloc specN ⊤ spec_inv with "[Hsi_frag Hprog_auth Hh_spec Ht_spec]") as "#Hctx".
{ iModIntro. iExists _, _, _, O. iFrame. rewrite exec_O dret_1_1 //.
{ iModIntro. iExists _, _, _, O. iFrame. rewrite pexec_O dret_1_1 //.
iApply wp_ARcoupl_step_fupdN.
iFrame. iFrame "Hctx".
Expand All @@ -277,19 +279,19 @@ Qed.

Theorem wp_aRcoupl_lim Σ `{app_clutchGpreS Σ} (e e' : expr) (σ σ' : state) (ε : nonnegreal) φ :
(∀ `{app_clutchGS Σ}, ⊢ spec_ctx -∗ ⤇ e' -∗ € ε -∗ WP e {{ v, ∃ v', ⤇ Val v' ∗ ⌜φ v v'⌝ }} ) →
ARcoupl (lim_exec_val (e, σ)) (lim_exec_val (e', σ')) φ ε.
ARcoupl (lim_exec (e, σ)) (lim_exec (e', σ')) φ ε.
intros Hwp.
rewrite {1}/lim_exec_val/=.
rewrite {1}/lim_exec/=.
intros f g Hf Hg Hfg.
assert (forall n,
SeriesC (λ a, exec_val n (e, σ) a * f a) <=
SeriesC (λ b, lim_exec_val (e', σ') b * g b) + ε) as Haux2.
SeriesC (λ a, exec n (e, σ) a * f a) <=
SeriesC (λ b, lim_exec (e', σ') b * g b) + ε) as Haux2.
intro. eapply wp_aRcoupl; eauto.
assert (forall a,
Rbar.is_finite (Lim_seq.Sup_seq (λ n : nat, Rbar.Finite (exec_val n (e, σ) a)))) as Hfin.
Rbar.is_finite (Lim_seq.Sup_seq (λ n : nat, Rbar.Finite (exec n (e, σ) a)))) as Hfin.
intro a.
apply (is_finite_bounded 0 1).
Expand All @@ -298,17 +300,17 @@ Proof.
- by apply upper_bound_ge_sup; intro; simpl.
setoid_rewrite lim_distr_pmf at 1.
transitivity (Rbar.real (Lim_seq.Sup_seq (λ n : nat, Rbar.Finite (SeriesC (λ a : val, exec_val n (e, σ) a * f a))))).
transitivity (Rbar.real (Lim_seq.Sup_seq (λ n : nat, Rbar.Finite (SeriesC (λ a : val, exec n (e, σ) a * f a))))).
- right.
setoid_rewrite (rbar_scal_r); auto.
setoid_rewrite <- Sup_seq_scal_r; [ | apply Hf].
eapply MCT_seriesC.
+ intros n a; auto. specialize (Hf a); real_solver.
+ intros n a. apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [apply Hf | apply exec_val_mon].
+ intros n a. apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [apply Hf | apply (exec_mono (e,σ))].
+ intro a; exists 1; intro n. specialize (Hf a); real_solver.
+ intro n. apply SeriesC_correct.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (exec_val n (e, σ))); auto.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (exec n (e, σ))); auto.
intro a; specialize (Hf a). split; [ real_solver |].
rewrite <- Rmult_1_r. real_solver.
+ rewrite rbar_finite_real_eq; last first.
Expand All @@ -320,7 +322,7 @@ Proof.
case_match; real_solver.
- apply upper_bound_ge_sup; intro; simpl.
+ apply (SeriesC_le _ (exec_val n (e, σ))); auto.
+ apply (SeriesC_le _ (exec n (e, σ))); auto.
intro a; specialize (Hf a). split; [ real_solver |].
rewrite <- Rmult_1_r. real_solver.
+ auto.
Expand Down

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