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Merge pull request #15 from hei411/seriesC_inj
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SeriesC_inj lemma completed
other than Markus' err 1 -> wp rule (which should not be terribly difficult to fix)
all lemmas completed
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hei411 authored Jan 25, 2024
2 parents 09721cd + 4867bed commit 4b451b7
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 9 deletions.
130 changes: 121 additions & 9 deletions theories/prob/countable_sum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1001,15 +1001,6 @@ Section fubini.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.

(* A lemma about rearranging SeriesC along an injective function *)

Lemma SeriesC_le_inj (f : B -> R) (h : A -> option B) :
(∀ n, 0 <= f n) →
(forall n1 n2 m, h n1 = Some m -> h n2 = Some m -> n1 = n2) ->
ex_seriesC f →
SeriesC (λ a, from_option f 0 (h a)) <= SeriesC f.

The following three lemmas have been proven for
Series, so the only missing part is lifting them
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1133,6 +1124,7 @@ Section fubini.
apply Series_0; auto.

End fubini.

Section mct.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1674,3 +1666,123 @@ Section double.

End double.

Section inj.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.

(* A lemma about rearranging SeriesC along an injective function *)

Lemma SeriesC_le_inj (f : B -> R) (h : A -> option B) :
(∀ n, 0 <= f n) →
(forall n1 n2 m, h n1 = Some m -> h n2 = Some m -> n1 = n2) ->
ex_seriesC f →
SeriesC (λ a, from_option f 0 (h a)) <= SeriesC f.
intros Hf Hinj Hex.
rewrite {1}/SeriesC/Series.
apply Series_Ext.Lim_seq_le_loc_const.
- by apply SeriesC_ge_0'.
- rewrite /eventually. exists 0%nat.
intros n Hn.
assert (∃ l : list _, (∀ m, m∈l->(∃ k a, (k<=n)%nat /\
(@encode_inv_nat A _ _ k%nat) = Some a /\
h a = Some m)) /\
sum_n (countable_sum (λ a : A, from_option f 0 (h a))) n <=
SeriesC (λ a, if bool_decide(a ∈ l) then f a else 0)
) as H'; last first.
{ destruct H' as [?[??]].
etrans; first exact.
apply SeriesC_le'; try done.
- intros. case_bool_decide; try lra. apply Hf.
- apply ex_seriesC_list.
induction n.
+ destruct (@encode_inv_nat A _ _ 0%nat) eqn:Ha.
* destruct (h a) eqn : Hb.
-- exists [b]. split.
++ intros. exists 0%nat, a.
repeat split; try lia; try done.
rewrite Hb. f_equal. set_solver.
++ rewrite sum_O. rewrite /countable_sum.
rewrite Ha. simpl. rewrite Hb. simpl.
erewrite SeriesC_ext.
** erewrite SeriesC_singleton_dependent. done.
** intro. simpl.
repeat case_bool_decide; set_solver.
-- exists []. split.
++ intros; set_solver.
++ rewrite sum_O. rewrite /countable_sum.
rewrite Ha. simpl. rewrite Hb. simpl.
rewrite SeriesC_0; intros; lra.
* exists []. split.
++ intros; set_solver.
++ rewrite sum_O. rewrite /countable_sum.
rewrite Ha. simpl.
rewrite SeriesC_0; intros; lra.
+ assert (0<=n)%nat as Hge0.
* lia.
* specialize (IHn Hge0) as [l[H1 H2]].
destruct (@encode_inv_nat A _ _ (S n)%nat) eqn:Ha.
-- destruct (h a) eqn : Hb.
++ exists (b::l). split.
** intros. set_unfold.
destruct H3; subst.
--- exists (S n), a. split; try lia. split; done.
--- specialize (H1 m H3).
destruct H1 as [?[?[?[??]]]].
exists x, x0. split; try lia. by split.
** rewrite sum_Sn. rewrite {2}/countable_sum.
rewrite Ha. simpl. rewrite Hb. simpl.
rewrite (SeriesC_ext _ (λ x, (if bool_decide (x=b) then f b else 0) +
if bool_decide (x∈l) then f x else 0
)); last first.
{ intros.
- set_unfold. destruct H3.
+ case_bool_decide; last done.
* subst. specialize (H1 b H5).
destruct H1 as [?[?[?[??]]]].
rewrite -H6 in Hb.
assert (a = x0).
{ eapply Hinj; try done. rewrite Hb. done. }
subst. exfalso.
rewrite -H3 in Ha. assert (x≠ (S n)) by lia.
apply H7. by eapply encode_inv_nat_some_inj.
* subst. lra.
+ case_bool_decide.
{ subst. specialize (H1 b H3) as [?[?[?[??]]]].
assert (x ≠ S n) by lia.
exfalso. apply H6. eapply encode_inv_nat_some_inj; try done.
rewrite Ha H4. f_equal.
by eapply Hinj.
case_bool_decide; try done. lra.
- repeat case_bool_decide.
+ set_solver.
+ set_solver.
+ set_solver.
+ lra.
rewrite SeriesC_plus; last first.
{ by apply ex_seriesC_filter_pos. }
{ by apply ex_seriesC_singleton. }
rewrite Rplus_comm. rewrite SeriesC_singleton.
trans ((sum_n (countable_sum (λ a0 : A, from_option f 0 (h a0))) n) + f b); try lra.
++ exists l. split.
** intros. specialize (H1 _ H3) as [?[?[?[??]]]].
exists x, x0. repeat split; try done. lia.
** rewrite sum_Sn. rewrite {2}/countable_sum. rewrite Ha. simpl.
rewrite Hb. simpl. etrans; last exact.
by rewrite plus_zero_r.
-- exists l. split.
++ intros. specialize (H1 _ H3) as [?[?[?[??]]]].
exists x, x0. repeat split; try done. lia.
++ rewrite sum_Sn. rewrite {2}/countable_sum. rewrite Ha. simpl.
etrans; last exact.
by rewrite plus_zero_r.

End inj.

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