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update sampler examples to use the twp
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markusdemedeiros committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent 6590835 commit 5398cfd
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
(** * Higher order specification for incremental sampling algorithms *)
From clutch.ub_logic Require Export ub_clutch ub_rules.
From clutch Require Export examples.approximate_samplers.approx_sampler_lib.
From Coquelicot Require Import Series.
Require Import Lra.

Section incremental_spec.
Local Open Scope R.
Context `{!ub_clutchGS Σ}.

(* Ψ : state
ξ : error
L : progress bound

Definition incr_sampling_scheme_spec (sampler checker : val) (Ψ : nat -> iProp Σ) (ξ : nat -> nonnegreal) L iL E Θ : iProp Σ :=
( (* Either 0 credit or 0 progress => we will sample a value which the checker accepts
Allowed to consume (or invalidate Ψ) in this process *)
((€ (ξ 0%nat) ∨ Ψ 0%nat) -∗ WP sampler #() @ E [{ fun s => WP checker (Val s) @ E [{fun v => ⌜v = #true⌝ ∗ Θ s }] }]) ∗
(* Given any amount of credit and progress, we can get a sample such that... *)
□ (∀ i p, (⌜((S p) <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗ ⌜((S i) < iL)%nat ⌝ ∗ € (ξ (S i)) ∗ Ψ (S p)) -∗
WP sampler #() @ E [{ fun s =>
(*...we're done by chance alone, or... *)
(WP checker (Val s) @ E [{fun v => ⌜v = #true⌝ ∗ (Θ s)}]) ∨
(*... we make prgress, and can run the checker on the sample without losing progress, or *)
(€ (ξ (S i)) ∗ Ψ p ∗ (Ψ p -∗ WP checker (Val s) @ E [{fun v => Ψ p ∗ (⌜v = #false⌝ ∨ (⌜v = #true⌝ ∗ Θ s))}])) ∨
(*... we lose progress & amplify error, and can run the checker on the sample without losing progress. *)
(∃ p', ⌜(p' <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗ € (ξ i) ∗ Ψ p' ∗ (Ψ p' -∗ WP checker (Val s) @ E [{fun v => Ψ p' ∗ (⌜v = #false⌝ ∨ (⌜v = #true⌝ ∗ Θ s))}]))}]))%I.

Lemma ho_incremental_ubdd_approx_safe (sampler checker : val) Ψ ξ L E i iL p Θ :
⊢ ⌜(p <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗
⌜(i < iL)%nat ⌝ ∗
incr_sampling_scheme_spec sampler checker Ψ ξ L iL E Θ ∗
€ (ξ i) ∗
Ψ p -∗
WP (gen_rejection_sampler sampler checker) @ E [{ fun v => Θ v }].
rewrite /incr_sampling_scheme_spec.
iIntros "(%Hl&%Hil&(Hfinal&#Hamp)&Hcr&HΨ)".
rewrite /gen_rejection_sampler.
do 7 wp_pure.
iRevert (Hl).
iInduction i as [|i'] "IHerror" forall (p).
- (* base case for error credits *)
iIntros "%Hl".
wp_bind (sampler _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "[Hfinal Hcr]"); first (iApply "Hfinal"; iFrame).
iIntros (s) "Hcheck"; wp_pures.
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "Hcheck").
iIntros (v) "(-> & HΘ)"; wp_pures.
- (* inductive case for error credits *)
iIntros "%Hl".
iInduction p as [|p'] "IHp".
+ (* base case for progress measure *)
wp_bind (sampler _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "[Hfinal HΨ]"); first (iApply "Hfinal"; iFrame).
iIntros (s) "Hcheck"; wp_pures.
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "Hcheck").
iIntros (v) "(-> & HΘ)"; wp_pures.
+ (* Inductive case for progress measure *)
wp_bind (sampler _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "[Hamp Hcr HΨ]"); first (iApply "Hamp"; iFrame; eauto).
iIntros (s) "[Hluck | [(Hcr&HΨ&Hcheck)|[%p'' (%Hp''&Hcr&HΨ&Hcheck)]]]".
* (* luck *)
wp_bind (checker _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "Hluck").
iIntros (?) "(-> & HΘ)".
* (* progress *)
wp_bind (checker _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "[Hcheck HΨ]"); first (iApply ("Hcheck" with "[$]")).
iIntros (r) "(HΨ&[-> | (-> & A)])".
-- (* not lucky: checker rejects *)
wp_pure. iApply ("IHp" with "[] Hfinal Hcr HΨ").
iPureIntro. lia.
-- (* lucky: checker accepts *)
wp_pures. eauto.
* (* amplification *)
wp_bind (checker _).
wp_apply (ub_twp_wand with "[Hcheck HΨ]"); first (iApply ("Hcheck" with "[$]")).
iIntros (r) "(HΨ&[-> | (-> & A)])".
-- (* not lucky: checker rejects *)
assert (HiL' : (i' < iL)%nat) by lia.
wp_pure. iApply ("IHerror" $! HiL' with "Hfinal Hcr HΨ"). eauto.
-- (* lucky: checker accepts *)
wp_pures. eauto.
End incremental_spec.

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