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Merge pull request #18 from logsem/constant_hash
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Amortized hash non resizing
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hei411 authored Feb 6, 2024
2 parents 3c61786 + 8bbe5ea commit 59e8a1b
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,259 additions and 11 deletions.
237 changes: 230 additions & 7 deletions theories/ub_logic/hash.v
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@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
From clutch.ub_logic Require Export ub_clutch
From stdpp Require Export fin_maps.
Import Hierarchy.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Module simple_bit_hash.
Section simple_bit_hash.

Context `{!ub_clutchGS Σ}.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +41,10 @@ Module simple_bit_hash.
compute_hash "hm".

Definition hashfun f m : iProp Σ :=
∃ (hm : loc), ⌜ f = compute_hash_specialized #hm ⌝ ∗ map_list hm ((λ b, LitV (LitInt b)) <$> m).
∃ (hm : loc), ⌜ f = compute_hash_specialized #hm ⌝ ∗
map_list hm ((λ b, LitV (LitInt b)) <$> m) ∗
⌜map_Forall (λ ind i, (0<= i <=val_size)%Z) m⌝

#[global] Instance timeless_hashfun f m :
Timeless (hashfun f m).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +120,7 @@ Module simple_bit_hash.
{{{ RET #b; hashfun f m }}}.
iIntros (Hlookup Φ) "Hhash HΦ".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm ->) "H".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm ->) "[H Hbound]".
rewrite /compute_hash_specialized.
wp_apply (wp_get with "[$]").
Expand All @@ -125,15 +130,15 @@ Module simple_bit_hash.

Lemma wp_insert_no_coll E f m (n : nat) (z : Z) :
Lemma wp_insert_no_coll E f m (n : nat) :
m !! n = None →
{{{ hashfun f m ∗ € (nnreal_div (nnreal_nat (length (gmap_to_list m))) (nnreal_nat(val_size+1))) ∗
⌜coll_free m⌝ }}}
f #n @ E
{{{ (v : Z), RET #v; hashfun f (<[ n := v ]>m) ∗ ⌜coll_free (<[ n := v ]>m)⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Hlookup Φ) "(Hhash & Herr & %Hcoll) HΦ".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm ->) "H".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm ->) "[H %Hbound]".
rewrite /compute_hash_specialized.
wp_apply (wp_get with "[$]").
Expand All @@ -154,11 +159,229 @@ Module simple_bit_hash.
- rewrite /hashfun.
iExists _.
iSplit; first auto.
rewrite fmap_insert //.
+ rewrite fmap_insert //.
+ iPureIntro.
apply map_Forall_insert_2; last done.
* lia.
* pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt x).
- iPureIntro.
apply coll_free_insert; auto.
apply (Forall_map (λ p : nat * Z, p.2)) in HForall; auto.

End simple_bit_hash.

Section amortized_hash.
Context `{!ub_clutchGS Σ}.
Variable val_size:nat.
Variable max_hash_size : nat.
(* Variable Hineq : (max_hash_size <= (val_size+1))%nat. *)
Program Definition amortized_error : nonnegreal :=
mknonnegreal ((max_hash_size + 1)/(2*(val_size + 1)))%R _.
Next Obligation.
pose proof (pos_INR val_size) as H.
pose proof (pos_INR max_hash_size) as H'.
apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat; lra.

Definition hashfun_amortized f m : iProp Σ :=
∃ (hm : loc) (k : nat) (ε : nonnegreal),
⌜ f = compute_hash_specialized val_size #hm ⌝ ∗
⌜map_Forall (λ ind i, (0<= i <=val_size)%Z) m⌝ ∗
⌜k = size m⌝ ∗
⌜ (ε.(nonneg) = (((max_hash_size + 1) * k)/2 - sum_n_m (λ x, INR x) 0%nat (k-1)) / (val_size + 1))%R⌝ ∗
€ ε ∗
map_list hm ((λ b, LitV (LitInt b)) <$> m)

#[global] Instance timeless_hashfun_amortized f m :
Timeless (hashfun_amortized f m).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Lemma wp_init_hash_amortized E :
{{{ True }}}
init_hash val_size #() @ E
{{{ f, RET f; hashfun_amortized f ∅ }}}.
rewrite /init_hash.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
wp_pures. rewrite /init_hash_state.
wp_apply (wp_init_map with "[//]").
iIntros (?) "Hm". wp_pures.
rewrite /compute_hash. wp_pures.
iApply "HΦ". iExists _. rewrite fmap_empty. iFrame.
iMod ec_zero.
iModIntro. iExists 0%nat, nnreal_zero.
repeat (iSplit; [done|]). iFrame.
replace (sum_n_m _ _ _) with 0; first lra.
rewrite sum_n_n. by simpl.

Lemma wp_hashfun_prev_amortized E f m (n : nat) (b : Z) :
m !! n = Some b →
{{{ hashfun_amortized f m }}}
f #n @ E
{{{ RET #b; hashfun_amortized f m }}}.
iIntros (Hlookup Φ) "Hhash HΦ".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm k ε ->) "[%[-> [% [Hε H]]]]".
wp_apply (wp_hashfun_prev with "[H]"); first done.
- iExists _. by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&%&H)". inversion H1; subst. iApply "HΦ".
iExists _,_,_. iFrame. repeat iSplit; try done.
by iDestruct "H" as "[??]".

Lemma hashfun_amortized_hashfun f m: ⊢ hashfun_amortized f m -∗ hashfun val_size f m.
iIntros "(%&%&%&->&%&->&%&He&H)".
iExists _; by iFrame.

Lemma amortized_inequality (k : nat):
(k <= max_hash_size)%nat ->
0 <= ((max_hash_size + 1) * k / 2 - sum_n_m (λ x : nat, INR x) 0 (k - 1)) / (val_size + 1).
intros H.
pose proof (pos_INR max_hash_size) as H1.
pose proof (pos_INR val_size) as H2.
pose proof (pos_INR k) as H3.
apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat; last lra.
assert (sum_n_m (λ x : nat, INR x) 0 (k - 1) = (k-1)*k/2) as ->.
- clear.
induction k.
+ simpl. rewrite sum_n_n.
rewrite Rmult_0_r. by assert (0/2 = 0) as -> by lra.
+ clear. induction k.
* simpl. rewrite sum_n_n.
replace (_-_) with 0 by lra.
rewrite Rmult_0_l. by assert (0/2 = 0) as -> by lra.
* assert (S (S k) - 1 = S (S k - 1))%nat as -> by lia.
rewrite sum_n_Sm; last lia.
rewrite IHk.
replace (plus _ _) with (((S k - 1) * S k / 2) + (S (S k - 1))) by done.
assert (∀ k, (INR (S k) - 1) = (INR k)) as H'.
{ intros. simpl. case_match; first replace (1 - 1) with 0 by lra.
- done.
- by replace (_+1-1) with (INR (S n)) by lra.
rewrite !H'.
replace (S k - 1)%nat with (k)%nat by lia.
assert (k * (S k) + S k + S k = S k * S (S k)); last lra.
assert (k * S k + S k + S k = S k * (k+1+1)) as ->; try lra.
assert (k+1+1 = S (S k)).
-- rewrite !S_INR. lra.
-- by rewrite H.
- rewrite -!Rmult_minus_distr_r.
apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat; try lra.
apply Rmult_le_pos; try lra.
assert (INR k <= INR max_hash_size); try lra.
by apply le_INR.

Lemma wp_insert_new_amortized E f m (n : nat) :
m !! n = None →
(size m < max_hash_size)%nat ->
{{{ hashfun_amortized f m ∗ € amortized_error ∗
⌜coll_free m⌝ }}}
f #n @ E
{{{ (v : Z), RET #v; hashfun_amortized f (<[ n := v ]>m) ∗ ⌜coll_free (<[ n := v ]>m)⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Hlookup Hsize Φ) "(Hhash & Herr & %Hcoll) HΦ".
iDestruct "Hhash" as (hm k ε -> ) "[%[->[% [Hε H]]]]".
iAssert (€ (nnreal_div (nnreal_nat (size m)) (nnreal_nat (val_size + 1))) ∗
€ (mknonnegreal (((max_hash_size + 1) * size (<[n:=0%Z]> m) / 2 - sum_n_m (λ x, INR x) 0%nat (size (<[n:=0%Z]> m) - 1)) / (val_size + 1)) _ )
)%I with "[Hε Herr]" as "[Hε Herr]".
- iApply ec_split.
iCombine "Hε Herr" as "H".
iApply (ec_spend_irrel with "[$]").
simpl. rewrite H0. rewrite map_size_insert_None; [|done].
remember (size m) as k.
remember (val_size + 1) as v.
remember (max_hash_size) as h.
assert (∀ x y, x/y = x*/y) as Hdiv.
{ intros. lra. }
destruct k.
+ simpl. rewrite sum_n_n. rewrite Rmult_0_l Rmult_0_r.
replace (INR 0%nat) with 0; last done.
rewrite !Rminus_0_r.
replace (0/_/_) with 0; last lra.
rewrite !Rplus_0_l.
rewrite Rmult_1_r.
rewrite !Hdiv.
rewrite Rinv_mult.
+ assert (forall k, S k - 1 = k)%nat as H' by lia.
rewrite !H'.
clear H'.
rewrite sum_n_Sm; last lia.
replace (plus _ (INR (S k))) with ((sum_n_m (λ x : nat, INR x) 0 k) + (S k)) by done.
rewrite !Hdiv.
rewrite !Rmult_minus_distr_r.
rewrite (Rmult_plus_distr_r (sum_n_m _ _ _)).
rewrite -!Rplus_assoc.
rewrite Ropp_plus_distr.
rewrite -!Rplus_assoc.
assert ((h + 1) * S k * / 2 * / v+ (h + 1) * / (2 * v) = S k * / (val_size + 1)%nat + (h + 1) * S (S k) * / 2 * / v + - (S k * / v)); try lra.
replace (INR((_+_)%nat)) with v; last first.
{ rewrite Heqv. rewrite -S_INR. f_equal. lia. }
assert ( (h + 1) * S k * / 2 * / v + (h + 1) * / (2 * v) = (h + 1) * S (S k) * / 2 * / v); try lra.
replace (_*_*_*_) with ((h+1) * (S k) * /(2*v)); last first.
{ rewrite Rinv_mult. lra. }
replace (_*_*_*_) with ((h+1) * (S(S k)) * /(2*v)); last first.
{ rewrite Rinv_mult. lra. }
rewrite -Rdiv_plus_distr.
rewrite Hdiv.
rewrite -{2}(Rmult_1_r (h+1)).
rewrite -Rmult_plus_distr_l.
- wp_apply (wp_insert_no_coll with "[H Hε]"); [done|..].
+ iFrame. iSplitL; try done.
iExists _. by iFrame.
+ iIntros (v) "[H %]".
iApply "HΦ".
iSplitL; last done.
iExists _, _, _. iFrame.
iDestruct "H" as "(%&%&H&%)".
repeat (iSplitR); try done.
* iPureIntro. simpl. do 3 f_equal.
all: by repeat rewrite map_size_insert.
* inversion H2; by subst.
apply amortized_inequality.
rewrite map_size_insert.
case_match => /=; lia.

Lemma wp_insert_amortized E f m (n : nat) :
(size m < max_hash_size)%nat ->
{{{ hashfun_amortized f m ∗ € amortized_error ∗
⌜coll_free m⌝ }}}
f #n @ E
{{{ (v : Z), RET #v; ∃ m', hashfun_amortized f m' ∗ ⌜coll_free m'⌝ ∗ ⌜m'!!n = Some v⌝ ∗ ⌜(size m' <= S $ size(m))%nat⌝ ∗ ⌜m⊆m'⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Hsize Φ) "[Hh[Herr %Hc]] HΦ".
destruct (m!!n) eqn:Heq.
- wp_apply (wp_hashfun_prev_amortized with "[$]"); first done.
iIntros. iApply "HΦ".
iExists _; iFrame.
repeat iSplit; try done. iPureIntro; lia.
- wp_apply (wp_insert_new_amortized with "[$Hh $Herr]"); try done.
iIntros (?) "[??]"; iApply "HΦ".
iExists _; iFrame. iPureIntro. repeat split.
+ rewrite lookup_insert_Some. naive_solver.
+ rewrite map_size_insert. case_match; try (simpl; lia).
+ by apply insert_subseteq.

End amortized_hash.

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