The main point of this project is cTokenMinePool.sol and MonkeyContract.sol in cTokenMinePool/contract. cTokenMinePool actually the operator contract of cToken from Compound protocol and NFT contract of MonkeyContract.
I strongly recommend you setup brownie v1.17.2 and remix v0.22.0-dev first
Before cTokenMinePool and MonkeyContract, you should deploy this forked compound protocol on mainnet fork mode by above two or more. The tutoral is here.
This project of forked compound only add access control, so only cTokenMinePool can access, which ensure the borrowIndex in cToken can't be changed unexpectedly.
After deploying, call CErc20Delegator.transferOwnership() to address of deployed cTokenMinePool, so the cToken can only be minted by the owner.
When complete deploying, copy cTokenDelegator & ComptrollerG1 address to replace the address in ./scripts/, which is scripts of deploying and testing of cTokenMinePool.sol & MonkeyContract.sol, you can customize it to test more function.