Currently the supported platform is LinkedIn. The framework supports only English language. The module doesn't need any external libs. Case study on my blog:
# Quick start:
# Create a file in the module directory and type in the following code
# import all project libraries.
from linkedInStats import LinkedInStats
from socialNetwork import LinkedIn
# initiazlie LinkedInStats class to login into the network.
lstats = LinkedInStats('[email protected]', 'password')
# first we need to create the database of all connections.
# The framework will download all contacts' profile pages to the local drive for further processing
# Once the download is over, you'll get a dataBase.json file which will contain various entries about 1st level contacts.
dataBase, errorProfiles = lstats.createDataBase(-1,4)
# then we can call other methods which output txt file stats in the root of the module.
The has data scraping methods.
from socialNetwork import LinkedIn
# initialize the class.
link = LinkedIn('[email protected]','password')
# Get profile n level connection by specifying name and lastname.
profileData = l.get2ndConnections('Name','Lastname','fileDir')
Known bugs and restrictions. 0. Since LinkedIn periodically updates its website api and html content some of GetSocialNetwork features might not work
- Sometimes, regex expressions do not grab the proper information. This results in minor inaccuracies in stats.
- Languages other than English are not supported. Thus, the profiles which use other languages may cause errors.
- The speed of scraping is deliberately limited, so LinkedIn doesn't think it is a bad bot.
- The recursive methods getProfileConnections and getAllConnections should be used with care!
- The overuse and abuse of getProfileConnections and getAllConnections may cause issues with LinkedIn.