This is a fork version of spconv original written by traverller52. I frozen those codes to here and add some of myself modifications. those codes released under Apache License.
Compare to origin implementation, I did those enhancement:
- remove all those unnessary codes exception the core algorithm;
- make it easy to built.
note: this lib does not support gcc6+ built since there is a bug of nvcc, it will drop all .cc
file which contains cuda to gcc to built, but gcc can not recognize those cuda codes. We have no good solution to make it work with gcc6+ but simply using gcc5 to compile it.
As far as I know, all torch extension written in cuda has this issue, include maskrcnn_benchmark repo (one of facebook official ).
to built spconv, simply:
# make sure your gcc version if 5
python3 bdist_wheel
cd dist
sudo pip3 install spconv-1.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
then everything is done.
the original copyright belongs to traveller52. I just did some tiny modifications and frozen most of it fuctionalities.