CMake example project which serves as a template on how to quickly get started with C++ and depthai library
- cmake >= 3.4
- C/C++14 compiler
Make sure submodules are initialized and updated
git submodule update --init --recursive
OpenCV is required to run the out-of-box example. If OpenVINO is installed then no further action is required.
Otherwise install using one of the options below:
- Ubuntu 20.04 -
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
- Fedora36+ -
sudo dnf install opencv-devel
- MacOS -
brew install opencv
- Or install from package / sources (Windows and other OSes)
Configure and build
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --parallel
To run the example application 'myapp', navigate to build directory and run 'myapp' executable