Space Sokoban is a spin-off of the popular Sokoban puzzle game (
In this 2D block-pushing puzzle game, the player controls a fox with a main objective of pushing crates to specific target locations as denoted by light blue diamonds. In this version, the character and crates are unaffected by gravity and are not limited to move by one block per key press.
- Download Unity & Unity Hub (
- Unzip the compressed folder
- In Unity Hub, click on the "Add" button. Click on the folder that was unzipped.
- Unity 2D should open automatically with the folder & program contents.
- The game can be played by creating and running a build. This can be accomplished by clicking on File > Build and Run.
- The player can control the fox character by using the left, right, up, and down arrow keys on their keyboard
- The player-controlled fox can push the crates by moving against them
- The player and crates cannot move pass through the wall blocks
- The player clears the level when there is a crate placed at each of the light blue diamond targets
- The game concludes when the player completes the two levels
- Unity 2D (
- C# (
- Starry Night Sky Image (used as background): from Canva ( with Free Media License Agreement (
- Sunny Land: with License Agreement: Standard Unity Asset Store EULA ( & License Type: Extension Asset