I'm a Software Development Engineering bachelor student —at UnADM. Formerly musician, I formally studied music and played the piano since I was a kid. An old computer at that time, uncapable of running the most popular OS without crashing to the point of being unusable, more sooner than later lead me to try another OS and found the Open Source and GNU/Linux communities. I was going to be a musician, but reality bites, it says: not so fast
(Nujabes feat. Shing02, 2012). Now I'm pursuing an IT career.
- Overall, I love to create.
- Anyhows, I enjoy to create things others would as well enjoy.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning Rust🦀
- I like to work with audio and low-level related stuff
- Open Source and FOSS enthusiastic
- My life's passions are writing: code, music, poetry; literally