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Madhumita Subramaniam edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 19 revisions

Integrating DUO's Universal Prompt as an authentication method in Janssen server

Duo Security is a SaaS authentication provider. This document will explain how to use Janssen's Duo interception script to configure the Janssen Server for a two-step authentication process with username and password as the first step, and Duo as the second step. The script invokes the Universal Prompt which is a redesign of Duo’s traditional authentication prompt.

Authentication flow

title Integrating DUO's Universal Prompt as an authentication method in Janssen server
autonumber 1
RP->Jans AS: Invoke /authorize endpoint
Jans AS->RP: Present Username password screen
RP->Jans AS: Submit credentials
Jans AS->DUO Security Service: Redirects login request to IDP
loop n times - (multistep authentication)
DUO Security Service->RP: Present universal prompt screen
RP->DUO Security Service: Present credentials
DUO Security Service->Jans AS: return state, code(duo_code)
Jans AS->Jans AS: check state
Jans AS->DUO Security Service: send code (duo_code) in exchange for token
DUO Security Service ->   Jans AS: token
Jans AS->Jans AS: inspect token if (token.getAuth_result().getStatus() == success), \nmark user as authenticated
opt if new user
Jans AS->Jans AS: 9. Dynamic enrollment or registration
Jans AS->RP: 10. write Jans session cookie


Configure Duo Account

  1. Sign up for a Duo account.

  2. Log in to the Duo Admin Panel and navigate to Applications.

  3. Click Protect an Application and locate Web SDK in the applications list. Click Protect this Application to get your client ID, secret key, and API hostname.

For additional info for the steps refer to Duo's Web SDK 4, check this article.

Configure Jans-auth server (AS)

1. Add the duo-universal Dependency to your jans-auth server

The dependencies have to be added separately as mentioned in the steps below. Using a fat jar (duo-universal-sdk-1.0.3-with-dependencies.jar leads to conflicts.)

2. Add custom script

  1. Create cs.json with the contents of a CUSTOM script. To do that, run the following command.
/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/CustomScript > /tmp/cs.json
  1. Edit the file's contents to reflect the addition of the duo custom script.
  • Set enabled flag true

  • Configure the api_hostname, client_id and client_secret

    Property Status Description Example
    api_hostname Mandatory URL of the Duo API Server
    client_id Mandatory Value from the Duo application using Web SDK 4 that was registered using DUO Admin console DI3ICTTJKLL8PPPNGH7YI
    client_secret Mandatory Value from the Duo application using Web SDK 4 that was registered using DUO Admin console eEbJdi3hg42zxyFYbHArU5RuioPP
  • name field should reflect the use case

  • script_type should be PERSON_AUTHENTICATION

  "dn": null,
  "inum": null,
  "name": "duo",
  "aliases": [],
  "description": "DUO's custom script",
  "script": "_file /root/",
  "programmingLanguage": "JYTHON",
  "moduleProperties": {
    "value1": null,
    "value2": null,
    "description": null

  	"value1": "api_hostname",
  	"value2": "",
  	"description": "URL of the Duo API Server",
  	"hide": true
  	"value1": "client_id",
  	"value2": "DI3ICTTJKLL8PPPNGH7YI",
  	"description": "Value from the Duo application using Web SDK 4 that was registered using DUO Admin console",
  	"hide": true
  	"value1": "client_secret",
  	"value2": "eEbJdi3hg42zxyFYbHArU5RuioPP",
  	"description": "Value from the Duo application using Web SDK 4 that was registered using DUO Admin console",
  	"hide": true
  "level": "integer",
  "revision": 0,
  "enabled": true,
  "scriptError": {
    "raisedAt": null,
    "stackTrace": null
  "modified": false,
  "internal": false
  1. Add the custom script
/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id post-config-scripts --data /tmp/cs.json

Now Duo is an available authentication mechanism for your Janssen Server. This means that, using OpenID Connect acr_values, applications can now request Duo authentication for users.

!!! Note To make sure Duo has been enabled successfully, you can check your Janssen Server's OpenID Connect configuration by navigating to the following URL: https://<hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration. Find "acr_values_supported": and you should see "duo".

Make Duo the Default Authentication Mechanism

For CURL commands, use this link as a reference.


  1. Create a file say duo-auth-default.json with the following contents
  "defaultAcr": "duo"

2.Update the default authentication method to Google Sign-in

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id put-acrs --data /tmp/duo-auth-default.json


To make sure duo has been enabled successfully as a default authentication method, you can check your Janssen Server's OpenID Connect configuration by navigating to the following URL: https://<hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration. Find "acr_values_supported": and you should see "duo".

Test the feature

To test , enter the complete URL for authorization in a browser or create a simple web page with a link that simulates the user sign-in attempt. If the server is configured properly, the first page for the selected authentication method will be displayed to the user.

An example of a complete URL looks like this -

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