This library wraps the blocking communication procudure amrex::FillBoundary
in an internal MPI_Waitsome
loop that allows asynchronous dispatch with concepts found in libunifex.
Consider a blocking call to FillBoundary
as in:
// Block the current thread until all pending requests are done
void EulerAmrCore::Advance(double dt) {
// Blocking call to FillBoundary.
// This waits for all MPI_Request to be done.
// states is a MultiFab member variable
// Parallel for loop over all FABs in the MultiFab
#pragma omp parallel if (Gpu::notInLaunchRegion())
for (MFIter mfi(states); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
const Box box = mfi.growntilebox();
auto advance_dir = [&](Direction dir) {
const int dir_v = int(dir);
auto csarray = states.const_array(mfi);
auto farray = fluxes[dir_v].array(mfi);
Box faces = shrink(convert(box, dim_vec(dir)), dir_v, 1);
ComputeNumericFluxes(faces, farray, csarray, dir);
auto cfarray = fluxes[dir_v].const_array(K);
auto sarray = states.array(K);
UpdateConservatively(inner_box, sarray, farray, dt_over_dx[dir_v], dir);
// first order accurate operator splitting
// implicit join of all OpenMP threads here
This library provides thin wrappers around this FillBoundary call and enables the usage of the Sender/Receiver model that is developed in libunifex.
The above example could read instead
void EulerAmrCore::AsyncAdvance(double dt) {
auto advance = unifex::bulk_join(unifex::bulk_transform(
// tbb_scheduler to schedule work items and comm_scheduler to schedule MPI_WaitAny/All threads
// The feedback funcction (Box, int) will be called for every box thas it ready,
// i.e. all its ghost cells are filled.
FillBoundary(tbb_scheduler, comm_scheduler, states),
[this, dt_over_dx](const Box& box, int K) {
auto advance_dir = [&](Direction dir) {
auto csarray = states.const_array(K);
auto farray = fluxes[dir_v].array(K);
Box faces = shrink(convert(box, unit(dir)), 1, unit(dir));
ComputeNumericFluxes(faces, farray, csarray, dir);
auto cfarray = fluxes[dir_v].const_array(K);
auto sarray = states.array(K);
UpdateConservatively(inner_box, sarray, farray, dt_over_dx[dir_v], dir);
// first order accurate operator splitting
}, unifex::par_unseq));
// Explicitly wait here until the above is done for all boxes
The intent is to try out a structural parallel programming model in classical HPC applications such as in a finite volume flow solver on structured grids.