- Check out our group's tumblr.
- Join our google group.
- Interactive D3.js visualizations.
- Shared user experience - updates are sent to all web browsers in 'real-time'.
- REST HTTP API server
- Mongo database
- Node (see http://nodejs.org)
- npm - node package manager
- MongoDb
- npm install flatiron
- npm install union
- npm install mongojs
- npm install socket.io
- Start the mongo database process:
sudo mongod
- Create admin and regular user. See MongoDB documentation on how to do this.
- Configure the environment with following variables:
- MONGO_HOST localhost
- MONGO_PORT 27017 (the default port)
<regular user>
<regular user password>
- Start the node server:
sudo node main.js
- The data set called 'force', which is generated by activity on the force-directed graph visualization, can be accessed through these methods:
- curl -i -X GET http://localhost/force
- curl -i -X GET http://localhost/force?count=true
- curl -i -X GET http://localhost/force?page=2
- Control the circle from circle.html via HTTP POST:
- Radius is defined by r
- color is defined by fill
- curl -i -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost/pulse -d '{"r":"50","fill":"purple"}'
This app is running live on Nodejitsu as hackerclub.jit.su. You can use the hostname hackerclub.jit.su instead of localhost. Then you will be interacting with the live data set.