Create an application that will run various operations on collections and maps, count and display the execution time.
- One Activity with ViewPager, which contains 2 screens with Fragments. Each screen for work with particular collections group.
Collection Interface
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- CopyOnWriteArrayList
Required operations
- Adding in the beginning;
- Adding in the middle;
- Adding in the end;
- Search by value;
- Removing in the beginning;
- Removing in the middle;
- Removing in the end.
Map Interface
- TreeMap
- HashMap
Required operations
- Adding new;
- Search by key;
- Removing;
- Text Entry field for specifying collection size.
- Table. Displays results of various operations on collections. Interface realization - row, execution time - colons.
- Collection table 7 colons and 3 rows;
- Map table 3 colons and 2 rows;
- The value of each cell is calculated asynchronously. During the calculation, progress bar is displayed inside cell.
- Button which starts calculation.
- Fills collection with specified amount of elements.
- Starts asynchronous calculation of each cell value in currently active Fragment.
- Calculation must be activity independent in case of screen rotation.