Date: 2023.03.28
Releases: libmamba 1.4.1, libmambapy 1.4.1, mamba 1.4.1, micromamba 1.4.1
- [libmamba] First version/steps of unraveling fetch code and wrapping libcurl by @Hind-M in #2376
- [libmamba] Parse repodata.json by @AntoinePrv in #2391
- [libmamba] TimeRef is not a singleton anymore by @Klaim in #2396
- [libmamba] Handle url via ChannelBuilder in Repo constructor by @jaimergp in #2398
- [libmamba, micromamba] add option to relocate prefix by @DerThorsten in #2385
- [libmamba] Renamed validate namespace to `mamba::validation by @Klaim in #2411
Bug fixes:
- [libmamba] Fixed build with older Clang by @ZhongRuoyu in #2397