Line editing
History (search, persistence)
Undo and Redo
Paste buffer
Emacs and Vi editing mode
Supports POSIX OS’s and Windows
Easy to configure (history file & buffer size, edit mode, streams, possible to override terminal implementations, etc)
Support standard out and standard error
The scope of Æsh Readline is to provide an easy to use Readline library. In the future Æsh will depend on Æsh Readline for terminal handling. Æsh will evolve further into Command handling and parsing.
Æsh Readline uses Gradle (http://gradle.org) as its build tool.
When you start a Gradle build via the wrapper [gradlew], Gradle will be automatically downloaded and used to run the build
Windows: gradlew.bat
Linux: gradlew
Run "./gradlew build" to build the entire project (including tests)
To run the builtin examples, cd to build/classes/example and run: "java -cp ../main/:. example-name" (eg Example or ShellExample)
import org.aesh.readline.Readline;
import org.aesh.readline.ReadlineBuilder;
import org.aesh.tty.terminal.TerminalConnection;
import java.io.IOException;
public class SimpleExample {
public static void main(String... args) {
TerminalConnection connection = new TerminalConnection();
read(connection, ReadlineBuilder.builder().enableHistory(false).build(), "[aesh@rules]$ ");
private static void read(TerminalConnection connection, Readline readline, String prompt) {
readline.readline(connection, prompt, input -> {
if(input != null && input.equals("exit")) {
connection.write("we're exiting\n");
else {
connection.write("=====> "+input+"\n");
read(connection, readline, prompt);
Keys that are mapped by default in Æsh Readline
Note: C equals Control and M is Meta/Alt
Move back one char : C-b or left arrow
Move forward one char : C-f or right arrow
Delete the character left of cursor : backspace
Delete the character on cursor : C-d
Undo : C-_ or C-x C-u
Move to the start of the line : C-a or home
Move to the end of the line : C-e or end
Move forward a word, where a word is composed of letters and digits : M-f
Move backward a word : M-b
Previous line : up arrow
Next line : down arrow
Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top : C-l
Delete next word to the right of cursor : M-d
Complete : tab
Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line : C-k
Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or, if between words, to the end of the next word : M-d
Kill from the cursor to the previous whitespace : C-w
Yank the most recently killed text back into the buffer at the cursor : C-y
Search backward in the history for a particular string : C-r
Search forward in the history for a particular string : C-s
Switch to VI editing mode: M-C-j
In command mode: About every vi command is supported, here’s a few:
Move back one char : h
Move forward one char : l
Delete the character left of cursor : X
Delete the character on cursor : x
Undo : u
Move to the start of the line : 0
Move to the end of the line : $
Move forward a word, where a word is composed of letters and digits : w
Move backward a word : b
Previous line : k
Next line : n
Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top : C-l
Delete next word to the right of cursor : dw
Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line : D and d$
Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or, if between words, to the end of the next word : db
Kill from the cursor to the previous whitespace : dB
Yank the most recently killed text back into the buffer at the cursor : p (after cursor), P (before cursor)
Add text into yank buffer : y + movement action
Enable change mode : c
Repeat previous action : .
+++ (read a vi manual)
In edit mode:
Search backward in the history for a particular string : C-r
Search forward in the history for a particular string : C-s
Delete the character left of cursor : backspace
aesh.terminal : specify Terminal object
aesh.editmode : specify either VI or EMACS edit mode
aesh.readinputrc : specify if Æsh should read settings from inputrc
aesh.inputrc : specify the inputrc file (must exist)
aesh.historyfile : specify the history file (must exist)
aesh.historypersistent : specify if Æsh should persist history file on exit
aesh.historydisabled : specify if history should be disabled
aesh.historysize : specify the maximum size of the history file
aesh.logging : specify if logging should be enabled
aesh.logfile : specify the log file
aesh.disablecompletion : specify if completion should be disabled