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An application for managing your farm, using SQLite and BLoC

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Ponta >> 🤠 🚜 🐄

This project enables the user to manage their farm animals. It uses SQL database for storage and BLoC for state management.

Getting Started

  • 1 - Make sure you have Flutter SDK 3.10.5 seted up and running on your machine;
  • 2 - Clone this repository using:
git clone
  • 3 - Make sure all dependencies are installed:
flutter pub get
  • 4 - The minimum Android SDK is 26, so make sure your device or emulator is on this version or above, then run:
flutter run


🛠 Technology 🚀

This project is build on the principles of Clean Architecutre and SOLID consequently, so it's easily maintened, testable and scalable. Also a quick Google Ngram Search display in the last 19 years a rise in usage, not to mention a Github or Stackoverflow search. Because it's a mobile app, it follows also a feature-first aproach.

So it feature 3 main layers:

PRESENTATION It features 3 main layers related to the rendering of the data on the screen:

  • Widgets: Contains in Flutter, relevant custom Widgets to the Pages layer >>
  • Pages: Contains the UI of the application and calls the next layer for data >>
  • Controller: Contains all bussiness logic and calls to other data layers, but independently of state management of choice, it's role is to send data to the presentation layer.

DOMAIN It features 3 main layers that are related to the bussiness logic of the application. It is normally written in pure Dart (in this case) without outside dependencies:

  • Entities: Contains a representation of a data strucutre with no dependancy of outside layers.
  • Repository: Contains the interfaces of repositories, in this case there's only a local one not remote, but it could be easily implemented.
  • UseCases: Contains either the interface of usecases with generics on <R, P> return and params call or the actual implementation, calling the upper layer, the repository.

DATA It is responsible for data storage and retrieval, also object conversion to other data structure, also repository implementations.

  • Models: Contains a representation of a data strucutre in JSON, but it could be converted to XML or any other data type with no conflicts.
  • Repository: Contains repositories implementations of interfaces in this case calls to the local database.

So data flow follows:

PAGE >> 
        CONTROLLER >> 
                      USECASE >> 
                                REPOSITORY >> 
                                              DATABASE << DATAMODEL

💻 About

Besides the architecture chosen, it features specific files for:

  • Dependency Injection (locator.dart) Get It using a Singleton Design Pattern.
  • Route Management (routes.dart) Go Router 💙
  • State Management (controllers and states.dart) Flutter BLoC 💙
  • Mock Tests, specially for using local storage is needed, provided by Mockito.
  • White and Dark Theming.
  • GitHub Actions :octocat: for CI, running tests, analyzers and others on (ci.yaml)
  • Theming (app_colors, app_text_theme.dart) with colors and styles inspired by Material Design 3 Design System.
  • Extensions and Mixins (size_extensions, loader, snackbar.dart) to facilitate, keep it responsible and DRY's principle and others found here: IT Acronyms.

The code itself doesn't contain comments as I tried to make it 💋KISS and follow Clean Code Principles. I do believe it is extremely readable and understandable 😊 Nevertheless there's still room for improvement, using for instance String capitalizations via extensions, internalization and so on.

Made with ♥ by Mariugo 🚀


An application for managing your farm, using SQLite and BLoC






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