This project lets the user watch a video from the internet. You have to log in with specific credentials to be able to watch the video.
- ♿ Accessibility.
- 🌎 English, Spanish and Portuguese Internalization.
- 🤖 Full Material 3 support.
- 📲 Light and dark theme,
- ➿ Github actions for CI.
- 📈 Unit and integration tests.
- 🖥️ Adaptive sizing.
This project was developed using the following libraries and technology:
- Flutter 3.7.6 and Flutter Localizations
- chewie as the Video Player.
- http as the Http Client provider.
- shared_preferences as Data Storage.
- intl as Internalization.
- get_it as DI.
- mobx as State manager.
- mockito as Mock interface.
Made with ❤️ by Mariugo 🚀