This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app
"react-native-fast-tflite": "github:mrousavy/react-native-fast-tflite#pull/112/head"
for using the new architecture
Install dependencies
npm install
Connect your phone and Start the app
npm run start
1. Faceapi by justadudewhohacks
I created a side project similar to this and I used this library in a side project and i tried to adapt it to the app but the library was using an older version or Tensorflow and it was not compitable with React Native and Expo
2. tflite by Tensorflow
i tried to adapt this library to faceapi but it was a fail
3. VisionCamera by mrousavy
1. react-native-fast-tflite by mrousavy
i tried to use this library but due to updates in react native and new architecture it was giving errors
2. Kotlin FrameProcessor plugin using Onnx
it was working but it was working with half percision so the results was not accurate
"react-native-fast-tflite": "github:mrousavy/react-native-fast-tflite#pull/112/head"
for using the new architecture
The app is using sqlited with VectorDb plugin