To train the picture-based model, do the following:
cd utils
python3 --config_file config_carib.json --logdir 2021_img_carib --upsample
**Important components:
--> config_file: hyperparameters for model training and path to data files
--> logdir: where to save the model
--> upsample: upsample images for species below threshold
cd geo_prior/geo_prior
python3 --config_file config_iNat.json --output geo_model --epochs 100 --early_stop_patience 20 --date --train_full
--> config_file: same as for image model (mainly used for data organization)
--> output: name of file where model will be stored
--> epochs: number of training epochs
--> early_stop_patience: stop training after this many epochs if loss does not decrease
--> date: include dates
--> train_full: include eButterfly location observations that don't have images
cd geo_prior/geo_prior
python3 --resume_dir img_model_dir --logfile test --geo_model geo_model.pth.tar --date
--> resume_dir: directory where image model is located
--> logfile: name of file where to log output
--> geo_model: geo model
--> date: include dates