The primary component here is the Wormhole class, which serves as a wrapper for all the sdk methods. It ensures that each chain implements certain methods with the same function signature and provides an interface for calling those methods easily.
A developer would use the core connect-sdk package in conjunction with 1 or more of the chain context packages. Most developers don't use every single chain and may only use a couple, this allows developers to import only the dependencies they actually need.
Getting started is simple, just import and pass in the contexts to the Wormhole class.
import { Wormhole, Signer } from '@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk';
import { EvmContext } from '@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm';
import { SolanaContext } from '@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana';
const network = "Mainnet";
const wh = new Wormhole(network, [EvmContext, SolanaContext]);
const sender: Signer = // ...
const receiver: Signer = // ...
// Get the ChainAddress for the sender and receiver signers
const senderAddress: ChainAddress = nativeChainAddress(sender)
const receiverAddress: ChainAddress = nativeChainAddress(receiver)
// Create a TokenTransfer object, allowing us to shepard the transfer through the process and get updates on its status
const manualXfer = wh.tokenTransfer(
'native', // send native gas on source chain
10n, // amount in base units
senderAddress, // Sender address on source chain
recipientAddress, // Recipient address on destination chain
false, // No Automatic transfer
// 1) Submit the transactions to the source chain, passing a signer to sign any txns
const srcTxids = await manualXfer.initiateTransfer(src.signer);
// 2) wait for the VAA to be signed and ready (not required for auto transfer)
const attestIds = await manualXfer.fetchAttestation();
// 3) redeem the VAA on the dest chain
const destTxids = await manualXfer.completeTransfer(dst.signer);
// OR for an automatic transfer
const automaticXfer = wh.tokenTransfer(
'native', // send native gas on source chain
10n, // amount in base units
senderAddress, // Sender address on source chain
recipientAddress, // Recipient address on destination chain
true, // Automatic transfer
// 1) Submit the transactions to the source chain, passing a signer to sign any txns
const srcTxids = await automaticXfer.initiateTransfer(src.signer);
// 2) If automatic, we're done, just wait for the transfer to complete
if (automatic) return waitLog(automaticXfer) ;
This package is a Work in Progress so the interface may change.
- Add support for Aptos chains
- Add support for Sei chains
- Add support for Sui chains
- Add support for Cosmos chains
- Add support for Algorand chains
- Add support for Terra chains
- Add support for Near chains
- Reexport common types from connect?
- Add support for NFTBridge protocols
- Gas utilities (estimate from unsigned, get gas used from txid)
- Better tracking of auto-redeem, use target contract?
- Estimate tx finalization
- Event emission/subscription for status changes
- Validation of inputs (amount > dust, etc..)