This Loader / dependency utility is a very simple utility class that acts as a resource loader and manager for javascript and CSS (templating to come) It will load external scripts and stylesheets via script tag / src injection, and will detect if a URL passes the same-origin policy (protocol, domain, port) when dynamically loading scripts so that it know when to:
- Use standard ajax XMLHttpRequest to load script/style content and store it in localstorage and inject it into the page's
. - Use simple url insertion of a
// load css files
var styles = [{
url: '/css/normalize.css'
}, {
url: '/css/print.min.css'
}, {
url: '/css/onepcssgrid.css'
}, {
url: '/css/typeplate.css'
}, {
url: '/css/main.css'
// load js files
var js = [{
url: '/js/Utilities/FastQuery.js'
}, {
url: '/js/Utilities/utility-functions.js'
}, {
url: '/js/routes.js'
// test for rAF and add a polyfill if not supported
url: '/js/Utilities/rAF-polyfill.js'
// another polyfill
url: '/js/Utilities/addEventListener-polyfill.js'
// UNCOMMENT to turn on loading cached files from Local Storage (performance boost √)
// loader.textInjection = true;
// load everything in parallel, execute js serially
// returns a promise when the next thing is ready
loader.load.apply(loader, styles.concat(js)).then(function() {
// initiliaze your app?
This effectively reduces any latency with calls, thereby drastically improving performance. The more files you dynamically load, the greater the speed increases as well. On a typical scale based on preliminary testing, when loading three js libraries and two css files, load times and render times of a page will decrease ~30% with cached resources.
var p1 = new loader.promise.Promise()
p2 = new loader.promise.Promise();
// do something;
p1.done(/* some data */);
Loader.promise.Promise is a similar implementation to Use the API listed at for more info on the Promise API.
loader.promise.get('/archive.json').then(function(error, result){
// do something with result...
});'/login').then(function(error, result){
// do something with result...
loader.promise.put('/profile/..').then(function(error, result){
// do something with result...
loader.promise.del('/messages/...').then(function(error, result){
// do something with result...
loader.set('key', value);
loader.get('key') //--> value;
Run this in your console:
Point to Loader and configure it in your HTML, like so:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">function downloadJSAtOnload() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "/js/Utilities/loader.js"; = "loaderjs";
// element.textInjection = true; //<<-- uncomment this to turn on Local Storage caching (acts normally in older browsers), useful when working under a development or testing environment
element["data-app"] = "/js/app.js"; // the URL of your main JavaScript app. Loader will bootstrap and execute this file immediately from Local Storage cache or from the network
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;</script>