This project provides a Movie Service API for managing movies. It includes functionality to upload movies from a CSV file, add, update, delete, and retrieve movies based on specified genres or titles. The service leverages Spring Boot and Kafka for communication.
POST /api/upload-csv-file
- Method: POST
- Parameters:
(MultipartFile) - CSV file containing movie data.
- Status 201 (Created): Successful file processing.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing file or invalid file format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the file.
POST /add/movie
- Method: POST
- Body: Movie object to be added.
- Status 201 (Created): Movie added successfully.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing MovieId.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the request.
PUT /update/movie
- Method: PUT
- Body: Movie object to be updated.
- Status 200 (OK): Movie updated successfully.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing MovieId.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the request.
DELETE /delete/movie
- Method: DELETE
- Body: Movie object to be deleted.
- Status 202 (Accepted): Movie deleted successfully.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing MovieId.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the request.
GET /get/movies/genres/{genres}
- Method: GET
- Path Variable:
- Genres to search for.
- Status 200 (OK): JSON list of movies matching the given genres.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the request.
GET /get/movies/title/{title}
- Method: GET
- Path Variable:
- Title to search for.
- Status 200 (OK): JSON list of movies matching the given title.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Error processing the request.
- mdukhan
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details.