I suggest adding this repository to your Macro File Locations and mapping them to shortcut keys.
As SWP is a binary format, the macros are exported as BAS files for clarity.
Adds canonical X,Y,Z axes to the open part/assembly. This can also be done in the part/assembly template.
Saves the current part in 3MF and STEP files.
Imports properties in a CSV file into the current part, as either 'Custom File Properties' or 'Configuration Properties'. The CSV format is:
Optional reference path to file.csv or other comment; this first line is skipped when importing
Default; secretText; text; configPropText;
Default; bigLength; double; 60.00000;
specialConfig; configNum; double; 2.500000;
specialConfig; configText; text; specialest config;
Exports the current parts properties to partName.csv in the same format as importProperties2Part.
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