import ""
dynamo is an expressive DynamoDB client for Go, with an API heavily inspired by mgo. dynamo integrates with the official AWS SDK.
dynamo is still under development, so the API may change!
package dynamo
import (
// Use struct tags much like the standard JSON library,
// you can embed anonymous structs too!
type widget struct {
UserID int // Hash key, a.k.a. partition key
Time time.Time // Range key, a.k.a. sort key
Msg string `dynamo:"Message"`
Count int `dynamo:",omitempty"`
Friends []string `dynamo:",set"` // Sets
SecretKey string `dynamo:"-"` // Ignored
Children []any // Lists
func main() {
db := dynamo.New(session.New(), &aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-west-2")})
table := db.Table("Widgets")
// put item
w := widget{UserID: 613, Time: time.Now(), Msg: "hello"}
err := table.Put(w).Run()
// get the same item
var result widget
err = table.Get("UserID", w.UserID).
Range("Time", dynamo.Equal, w.Time).
Filter("'Count' = ? AND $ = ?", w.Count, "Message", w.Msg). // placeholders in expressions
// get all items
var results []widget
err = table.Scan().All(&results)
// ...
dynamo will help you write expressions used to filter results in queries and scans, and add conditions to puts and deletes.
Attribute names may be written as is if it is not a reserved word, or be escaped with single quotes (''
). You may also use dollar signs ($
) as placeholders for attribute names. DynamoDB has very large amount of reserved words so it may be a good idea to just escape everything.
Question marks (?
) are used as placeholders for attribute values. DynamoDB doesn't have value literals, so you need to substitute everything.
Please see the DynamoDB reference on expressions for more information.
// Using single quotes to escape a reserved word, and a question mark as a value placeholder.
// Finds all items whose date is greater than or equal to lastUpdate.
table.Scan().Filter("'Date' >= ?", lastUpdate).All(&results)
// Using dollar signs as a placeholder for attribute names.
// Deletes the item with an ID of 42 if its score is at or below the cutoff, and its name starts with G.
table.Delete("ID", 42).If("Score <= ? AND begins_with($, ?)", cutoff, "Name", "G").Run()
// Put a new item, only if it doesn't already exist.
table.Put(item{ID: 42}).If("attribute_not_exists(ID)").Run()
By default, tests are run in offline mode. Create a table called TestDB
, with a Number Parition Key called UserID
and a String Sort Key called Time
. Change the table name with the environment variable DYNAMO_TEST_TABLE
. You must specify DYNAMO_TEST_REGION
, setting it to the AWS region where your test table is.
DYNAMO_TEST_REGION=us-west-2 go test -cover