TypeScript client to integrate with Memori API.
Web Platform: AIsuru
yarn add @memori.ai/memori-api-client
npm install @memori.ai/memori-api-client
Every method has JSDoc annotations with usage and description and typings information.
See examples for Node (TypeScript) and React.
import memoriApiClient from '@memori.ai/memori-api-client';
const memori = memoriApiClient('https://backend.memori.ai', 'https://engine.memori.ai');
// or just memoriApiClient() as defaults to production
(async () => {
const { sessionID, currentState, ...response } = await memori.initSession({
memoriID: '768b9654-e781-4c3c-81fa-ae1529d1bfbe',
birthdate: '1900-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
const { currentState: dialogState, ...resp } =
await memori.postTextEnteredEvent({
sessionId: sessionID,
text: 'Ciao, Memori!',
For the specification of the APIs, see the typings or the documentation from the dashboard if you are allowed to see it.
memori.constants.allowedMediaTypes; // list of allowed media types in asset upload
memori.constants.anonTag; // tag for anonymous users
Endpoints passed during initialization:
There is a helper method parsing media urls from the DB, handling different cases
type: 'avatar',
resourceURI: '768b9654-e781-4c3c-81fa-ae1529d1bfbe.png',
sessionID: 'be2e4a44-890b-483b-a26a-f6e122f36e2b',
baseURL: 'https://aisuru.com',
- memori-react - React library for Memori, uses this library
- memori-webcomponent - Web component for Memori, uses this library