You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 306
Object Name | Counter Name |
Apache HTTP Server | Busy Workers |
Apache HTTP Server | Idle Workers |
Apache HTTP Server | Pct Busy Workers |
Apache HTTP Server | Total Pct CPU |
Apache Virtual Host | Errors per Minute - Client |
Apache Virtual Host | Errors per Minute - Server |
Apache Virtual Host | KB per Request |
Apache Virtual Host | Requests KB per Second |
Apache Virtual Host | Requests per Second |
Logical Disk | % Free Inodes |
Logical Disk | % Free Space |
Logical Disk | % Used Inodes |
Logical Disk | % Used Space |
Logical Disk | Disk Read Bytes/sec |
Logical Disk | Disk Reads/sec |
Logical Disk | Disk Transfers/sec |
Logical Disk | Disk Write Bytes/sec |
Logical Disk | Disk Writes/sec |
Logical Disk | Free Megabytes |
Logical Disk | Logical Disk Bytes/sec |
Memory | % Available Memory |
Memory | % Available Swap Space |
Memory | % Used Memory |
Memory | % Used Swap Space |
Memory | Available MBytes Memory |
Memory | Available MBytes Swap |
Memory | Page Reads/sec |
Memory | Page Writes/sec |
Memory | Pages/sec |
Memory | Used MBytes Swap Space |
Memory | Used Memory MBytes |
MySQL Database | Disk Space in Bytes |
MySQL Database | Tables |
MySQL Server | Aborted Connection Pct |
MySQL Server | Connection Use Pct |
MySQL Server | Disk Space Use in Bytes |
MySQL Server | Full Table Scan Pct |
MySQL Server | InnoDB Buffer Pool Hit Pct |
MySQL Server | InnoDB Buffer Pool Use Pct |
MySQL Server | InnoDB Buffer Pool Use Pct |
MySQL Server | Key Cache Hit Pct |
MySQL Server | Key Cache Use Pct |
MySQL Server | Key Cache Write Pct |
MySQL Server | Query Cache Hit Pct |
MySQL Server | Query Cache Prunes Pct |
MySQL Server | Query Cache Use Pct |
MySQL Server | Table Cache Hit Pct |
MySQL Server | Table Cache Use Pct |
MySQL Server | Table Lock Contention Pct |
Physical Disk | Avg. Disk sec/Read |
Physical Disk | Avg. Disk sec/Transfer |
Physical Disk | Avg. Disk sec/Write |
Physical Disk | Physical Disk Bytes/sec |
Process | Pct Privileged Time |
Process | Pct User Time |
Process | Used Memory |
Process | Virtual Shared Memory |
Processor | % DPC Time |
Processor | % Idle Time |
Processor | % Interrupt Time |
Processor | % IO Wait Time |
Processor | % Nice Time |
Processor | % Privileged Time |
Processor | % Processor Time |
Processor | % User Time |
System | Free Physical Memory |
System | Free Space in Paging Files |
System | Free Virtual Memory |
System | Processes |
System | Size Stored In Paging Files |
System | Uptime |
System | Users |
Note: To grant permissions to a MySQL monitoring user the granting user must have the ‘GRANT option’ privilege as well as the privilege being granted. In order for the for the MySQL User to return performance data the user will need access to the following queries
In addition to these queries the MySQL user requires SELECT access to the following default tables: information_schema, mysql. These privileges can be granted by running the following grant commands.
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.* TO ‘monuser’@’localhost’;
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO ‘monuser’@’localhost’;
The MySQL OMI provider requires a preconfigured MySQL user and installed MySQL client libraries in order to query the performance/health information from the MySQL instance.
MySQL OMI provider uses an authentication file to determine what bind-address and port the MySQL instance is listening on and what credentials to use to gather metrics. During installation the MySQL OMI provider will scan MySQL my.cnf configuration files (default locations) for bind-address and port and partially set the MySQL OMI authentication file. The following options are available to complete monitoring of a MySQL server instance:
- Add a pre generated MySQL OMI authentication file into the correct directory i. Refer to Authentication File Format and Authentication File location below
- Use the MySQL OMI authentication file program to configure a new MySQL authentication file i. Refer to MySQL OMI Authentication File Program below
The MySQL OMI authentication file is a text file that contains information about the Port, Bind-Address, MySQL username, and a Base64 encoded password. The MySQL OMI authentication file only grants privileges for read/write to the Linux user that generated it.
Port]=[Bind-Address], [username], [Base64 encoded Password]
(Port)=(Bind-Address), (username), (Base64 encoded Password)
(Port)=(Bind-Address), (username), (Base64 encoded Password)
A default MySQL OMI authentication file contains a default instance and a port number depending on what information is available and parsed from the found MySQL configuration file. The default instance is a means to make managing multiple MySQL instances on one Linux host easier, and is denoted by the instance with port 0. All added instances will inherit properties set from the default instance. For example, if MySQL instance listening on port ‘3308’ is added, the default instance’s bind-address, username, and Base64 encoded password will be used to try and monitor the instance listening on 3308. If the instance on 3308 is binded to another address and uses the same MySQL username and password pair only the re specification of the bind-address is needed and the other properties will be inherited.
Examples of the authentication file can be found below
- Default instance and instance with port 3308
0=, myuser, cnBwdA==
3308=, ,
- Defauly instance and instance with port 3308 + different Base 64 encoded password
0=, myuser, cnBwdA==
3308=, ,
Property | Description |
Port | Port represents the current port the MySQL instance is listening on. The port 0 implies that the properties following are used for default instance. |
Bind-Address | the Bind Address is the current MySQL bind-address |
username | This the username of the MySQL user you wish to use to monitor the MySQL server instance. |
Base64 encoded Password | This is the password of the MySQL monitoring user encoded in Base64. |
AutoUpdate | When the MySQL OMI Provider is upgraded the provider will rescan for changes in the my.cnf file and overwrite the MySQL OMI Authentication file. Set this flag to true or false depending on required updates to the MySQL OMI authentication file. |
The MySQL OMI Authentication file must be located in the following location with the name mysql-auth
The file and auth + omsagent directory must be owned by the omsagent user.