Our website is written in Javascript/Node.js and HTML and uses a MongoDB database. Here is what you need to set up your environment.
Text Editor We recommend writing your code in an IDE like WebStorm for ease of use. WebStorm is free for students! https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/download/#secti... You can also use a text editor like Notepad++.
Download Node You will need Node to run the app. https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Download the MongoDB You will need the mongo shell to run a local instance of your MongoDB database. https://docs.mongodb.com/getting-started/shell/ins...
Clone our project's GitHub repository to your local machine https://github.com/mirhyman/lendingLibrary2018
Download necessary Node.js packages Use npm, a Node package manager included with Node, to install these packages: Run this command (npm install -s) in your terminal from the project's directory for these packages:
- mongoose
- winston
- file-system
- express