This is a lightweight Qt Qml wrapper for legacy version of websocketpp + + by zaphoyd.
The main reason is # 105 issue in zaphoyd websocketpp + + and related issue # 90 (the master branch code of websocketpp + + crashes in qt wrapper by Leo Franchi). Both issues stil active for a 6 last months. So i turn wrapper to use legace 0.1 version of websocket + +.
Also it is designed for embedding and using directly in a Qt Qml application.
WebSocketWrapper based on originals from Leo Franchi [email protected]
Download the source code for the vendor/websocketpp, it is added to the project as a git submodule. git submodule init git submodule update cd vendor/websocketpp git checkout legacy
Download and assemble boost ( To build with visual studio
Download Boost from
Unzip to C:\SDK\boost_1_53_1
Open a "Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)" (not a regular cmd.exe!).
cd C:\SDK\boost_1_53_1
.\B2 --prefix=C:\SDK\boost_1_53_1 --build-type =commplete -j 4 Now set a system environment variable: BOOSTROOT = C: \ SDK \ boost_1_47_0
If the environment variable is not set BOOSTROOT - the project will not meet.
Set the variable Cerda otkruzheniya QTDIR - on the folder in which you laden with Qt SDK. For example, in my case QTDIR = C:\SDK\QT\4.8.4
Environment variable QTDIR allow generate qmltypes and copy the files in a directory for Import Qt Sdk.
The assembly of this project consists of three parts - build libraries websocketp, extension for qml and finally up the libraries in your project and imports for QtCreator (earned autocomplete to the editor QML).
Step 1.
If you build a project in visual studio, on the instructions located in the project websocketpp you must change Code Generation / Runtime Library on MD (MDd for debug build). Just change the Output for the debug version on websocketppd. After assembly, copy the files to vendor/websocketpp/lib.
If you build a project from QtCreator just open and build the project Perform (or enter into project settings) qmake install to copy the resulting library vendor/websocketpp/lib.
Step 2.
If you build a project in visual studio, just open qmlwebsocket.sln and build the project. If you build a project from QtCreator just open and build the project
Look at example folder. You may find simple echo server and client.
(C) 2012 Nikolay Bondarenko [email protected]