MerchantSafe Unipay (MSU) is an online payment solution developed by Asseco SEE Turkey.
You need Composer to install MerchantSafe Unipay PHP SDK
This library requires PHP 7.0 or later.
composer require mkorkmaz/msu-php-sdk
You can see detailed documentation at
$env = '';
$merchant = 'COMPANYNAME'; // Given by Asseco
$merchantUser = '[email protected]'; // Created on MSU Panel
$merchantPassword = 'u+B56?mcjh23'; // Created on MSU Panel
$client = MerchantSafeUnipay\SDK\ClientBuilder::create()
->setEnvironment($env, $merchant , $merchantUser, $merchantPassword)
$args = [
'MERCHANTPAYMENTID' => $orderPaymetId,
'CUSTOMER' => '1',
'AMOUNT' => 123.50,
'CUSTOMEREMAIL' => '[email protected]',
'CUSTOMERNAME' => 'Mehmet Korkmaz',
'CARDPAN' => '5406675406675403', // Test Card Number
'CARDEXPIRY' => '12.30',
'CARDCVV' => '000'
$response = $client->financialTransactions('sale', $args);
echo $response['data']['responseCode']; // prints '00' which means transaction has been done successfully.
- Financial Transactions
- Approve Actions
- Reject Actions
- Session
- Pay by Link Payment Actions
- Recurring Plan Actions
- Recurring Plan Card Actions
- Recurring Plan Actions
- Payment Type
- Payment Policy
- Message Content
- e-Wallet Actions
- Merchant Actions
- Merchant User Actions
- Dealer Actions
- Dealer Type Actions
- Dealer Payment System Type Actions
- Query
- MerchantSafe Unipay (MSU) is trademark of Asseco SEE Turkey
- I am not affiliated with Asseco SEE Turkey
- Integration tests of Actions (At least %80 Code Coverage)
- Argument combinations for the actions will be implemented