NPM Installer for icode shell scripts, sonar flavored, code quality scanner This installer only work with 64 bits Java for linux version.
Some issues will be open to develop compatibility for Mac and Windows, java version 32 and 64-bit, also linux with java 32 bits.
-This first version was developed to be used in a Jenkins CI pipeline with java 64 on a linux stateless.
npm -g icode-cli
then provide execution permisions to the bin (Unix)
chmod u-x ~/.icode/icode ( or Where the files were deplyed)
Imagine that you want to scan you project folder that contains some shell files, so execute from icode-cli installation folder ~/.icode/icode **/*.sh -o result.res
Then configure you sonar-project.properties (on project root directory, for example) with sonar.icode.reports.path=.
or use -Dsonar.icode.reports.path=.
if working with maven to execute sonar.
Be aware that if you use sonarqube, the sonar i-code pluging $ & i-code analyzer version should match.
- I-code Sonar pluging: 2.0.2 I-code Analyzer: 4.1.0
- For more info about Icode, please visit https://github.com/lequal/i-CodeCNES
- And https://github.com/lequal/sonar-icode-cnes-plugin