NOTE: Now that Arkime (v5.5+) has an official Docker release, This project is no longer maintained. Please use the official Docker image instead.
Arkime is a large scale, open source, indexed packet capture and search tool (website)
This tiny project aims to bring Arkime's powerful abilities to the cloud native world. arkime-supervisor
is a Golang daemon running both capture and viewer functionality of Arkime and pulls logs from both viewer and capture processes into the containers stdout
. It also handles initial Elasticsearch/Opensearch index creation, optionally adds default credentials and downloads necessery definition files to help Arkime work with no direct intraction with the container itself.
full list of options:
--elasticsearch= Comma seperated list of elasticsearch
host:port combinations. If not using a
; elasticsearch VIP, a different
elasticsearch node in the cluster can be
; for each Arkime node to help spread load
on high volume clusters (default:
--rotateIndex= How often to create a new elasticsearch
index. hourly,hourly6,daily,weekly,monthly
; Changing the value will cause previous
sessions to be unreachable (default:
--certFile= Cert file to use, comment out to use http
--caTrustFile= File with trusted roots/certs. WARNING!
this replaces default roots
; Useful with self signed certs and can be
set per node. [$ARKIME_CATRUSTFILE]
--keyFile= Private key file to use, comment out to
use http instead [$ARKIME_KEYFILE]
--passwordSecret= Password Hash and S2S secret - Must be in
default section. Since elasticsearch
; is wide open by default, we encrypt the
stored password hashes with this
; so a malicous person can't insert a
working new account. It is also used
; for secure S2S communication. Comment
out for no user authentication.
; Changing the value will make all
previously stored passwords no longer work.
; Make this RANDOM, you never need to type
in (default: password)
--serverSecret= Use a different password for S2S
communication then passwordSecret.
; Must be in default section. Make this
RANDOM, you never need to type in
--httpRealm= HTTP Digest Realm - Must be in default
section. Changing the value
; will make all previously stored
passwords no longer work (default: Arkime)
--webBasePath= The base path for Arkime web access. Must
end with a / or bad things will happen
(default: /) [$ARKIME_ WEBBASEPATH]
--interface= Semicolon ';' seperated list of interfaces
to listen on for traffic (default: lo)
--bpf= The bpf filter of traffic to ignore
(default: not port 9200) [$ARKIME_BPF]
--yara= The yara file name (default: /dev/null)
--wiseHost= Host to connect to for wiseService
--accessLogFile= Log viewer access requests to a different
--pcapDir= The directory to save raw pcap files to
(default: /opt/arkime/raw)
--pcapDirAlgorithm= When pcapDir is a list of directories,
this determines how Arkime chooses which
directory to use for each new pcap file.
Possible values: round-robin (rotate
sequentially), max-free-percent (choose
the directory on the filesystem with the
highest percentage of available space),
max-free-bytes (choose the directory on
the filesystem with the highest number of
available bytes). (default: round-robin)
--pcapDirTemplate= When set, this strftime template is
appended to pcapDir and allows multiple
directories to be created based on time.
--maxFileSizeG= The max raw pcap file size in gigabytes,
with a max value of 36G.
; The disk should have room for at least
10*maxFileSizeG (default: 12)
--maxFileTimeM= The max time in minutes between rotating
pcap files. Default is 0, which means
; only rotate based on current file size
and the maxFileSizeG variable (default: 0)
--tcpTimeout= TCP timeout value. Arkime writes a
session record after this many seconds
; of inactivity. (default: 600)
--tcpSaveTimeout= Arkime writes a session record after this
many seconds, no matter if
; active or inactive (default: 720)
--tcpClosingTimeout= Delay before saving tcp sessions after
close (default: 5)
--udpTimeout= UDP timeout value. Arkime assumes the UDP
session is ended after this
; many seconds of inactivity. (default:
--icmpTimeout= ICMP timeout value. Arkime assumes the
ICMP session is ended after this
; many seconds of inactivity. (default:
--maxStreams= An aproximiate maximum number of active
sessions Arkime/libnids will try
; and monitor (default: 1000000)
--maxPackets= Arkime writes a session record after this
many packets (default: 10000)
--freeSpaceG= Delete pcap files when free space is lower
then this in gigabytes OR it can be
; expressed as a percentage (ex: 5%).
This does NOT delete the session records in
; the database. It is recommended this
value is between 5% and 10% of the disk.
; Database deletes are done by the
expire script (default: 5%)
--viewPort= The port to listen on, by default 8005
(default: 8005) [$ARKIME_VIEWPORT]
--viewHost= The host/ip to listen on, by default which is ALL (default: localhost)
--viewUrl= By default the viewer process is
https://hostname:<viewPort> for each node.
(default: https://HOSTNAME:8005)
--geoLite2Country= Path of the maxmind geoip country file.
Download free version from:
ure?edition_id=GeoLite2-Country (default:
--geoLite2ASN= Path of the maxmind geoip ASN file.
Download free version from:
ure?edition_id=GeoLite2-ASN (default:
--rirFile= Path of the rir assignments file
ess-space/ipv4-address-space.csv (default:
--ouiFile= Path of the OUI file from whareshark
k/wireshark/master/manuf (default:
/opt/arkime/etc/oui.txt) [$ARKIME_OUIFILE]
--dropUser= User to drop privileges to. The pcapDir
must be writable by this user or group
below (default: nobody) [$ARKIME_DROPUSER]
--dropGroup= Group to drop privileges to. The pcapDir
must be writable by this group or user
above (default: daemon) [$ARKIME_DROPGROUP]
--localPcapIndex=[true|false] enable pcap index on capture node instead
of ES (default: false)
--dontSaveTags= Semicolon ';' seperated list of tags which
once capture sets for a session causes the
; remaining pcap from being saved for the
session. It is likely that the initial
; WILL be saved for the session since tags
usually aren't set until after several
; Each tag can choiceally be followed by a
:<num> which specifies how many total
packets to save [$ARKIME_DONTSAVETAGS]
--userNameHeader= Header to use for determining the username
to check in the database for instead of
; using http digest. Use this if apache
or something else is doing the auth.
; Set viewHost to localhost or use iptables
; Might need something like this in the
; RewriteRule .* -
; RequestHeader set ARKIME_USER %{ENV_RU}e
(default: arkime_user)
--parseSMTP=[true|false] Should we parse extra smtp traffic info
(default: true) [$ARKIME_PARSESMTP]
--parseSMB=[true|false] Should we parse extra smb traffic info
(default: true) [$ARKIME_PARSESMB]
--parseQSValue=[true|false] Should we parse HTTP QS Values (default:
--supportSha256=[true|false] Should we calculate sha256 for bodies
(default: false) [$ARKIME_SUPPORTSHA256]
--maxReqBody= Only index HTTP request bodies less than
this number of bytes */ (default: 64)
--reqBodyOnlyUtf8=[true|false] Only store request bodies that Utf-8?
(default: true) [$ARKIME_REQBODYONLYUTF8]
--smtpIpHeaders= Semicolon ';' seperated list of SMTP
Headers that have ips, need to have the
terminating colon ':' (default:
--parsersDir= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
directories to load parsers from (default:
/opt/arkime/parsers) [$ARKIME_PARSERSDIR]
--pluginsDir= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
directories to load plugins from (default:
/opt/arkime/plugins) [$ARKIME_PLUGINSDIR]
--plugins= Semicolon ';' seperated list of plugins to
load and the order to load in
--rootPlugins= Plugins to load as root, usually just
--viewerPlugins= Semicolon ';' seperated list of viewer
plugins to load and the order to load in
--netflowSNMPInput= NetFlowPlugin
; Input device id, 0 by default (default:
--netflowSNMPOutput= Outout device id, 0 by default (default:
--netflowVersion= Netflow version 1,5,7 supported, 7 by
default (default: 1)
--netflowDestinations= Semicolon ';' seperated list of netflow
--offlineDispatchAfter= How many packets to read from offline pcap
files at once. (default: 2500)
--spiDataMaxIndices= Specify the max number of indices we
calculate spidata for.
; ES will blow up if we allow the spiData
to search too many indices. (default: 4)
--uploadCommand= Uncomment the following to allow direct
uploads. This is experimental (default:
/opt/arkime/bin/capture --copy -n {NODE}
--titleTemplate= Title Template
; _cluster_=ES cluster name
; _userId_=logged in User Id
; _userName_=logged in User Name
; _page_=internal page name
; _expression_=current search expression
if set, otherwise blank
; _-expression_=" - " + current search
expression if set, otherwise blank, prior
spaces removed
; _view_=current view if set, otherwise
; _-view_=" - " + current view if set,
otherwise blank, prior spaces removed
(default: _cluster_ - _page_ _-view_
_-expression_) [$ARKIME_TITLETEMPLATE]
--packetThreads= Number of threads processing packets
--includes= ADVANCED - Semicolon ';' seperated list of
files to load for config. Files are loaded
; in order and can replace values set in
this file or previous files.
--pcapReadMethod= ADVANCED - Specify how packets are read
from network cards: (default: libpcap)
--pcapWriteMethod= ADVANCED - How is pcap written to disk
; simple=use O_DIRECT if available,
writes in pcapWriteSize chunks,
; a file per packet
; simple-nodirect=don't use O_DIRECT.
Required for zfs and others (default:
--pcapWriteSize= ADVANCED - Buffer size when writing pcap
files. Should be a multiple of the raid 5
or xfs
; stripe size. Defaults to 256k (default:
--simpleCompression= The type of seekable compression to use on
pcap files. Zstd (don't use before 4.5.1)
will has better compression for less cpu
than glib. Valid values are: none, gzip,
zstd (>= 4.5.1) (default: none)
--dbBulkSize= ADVANCED - Number of bytes to bulk index
at a time (default: 300000)
--compressES=[true|false] ADVANCED - Compress requests to ES,
reduces ES bandwidth by ~80% at the cost
; of increased CPU. MUST have
"http.compression: true" in
elasticsearch.yml file (default: false)
--maxESConns= ADVANCED - Max number of connections to
elastic search (default: 30)
--maxESRequests= ADVANCED - Max number of es requests
outstanding in q (default: 500)
--packetsPerPoll= ADVANCED - Number of packets to ask
libnids/libpcap to read per poll/spin
; Increasing may hurt stats and ES
; Decreasing may cause more dropped
packets (default: 50000)
--antiSynDrop=[true|false] ADVANCED - Arkime will try to compensate
for SYN packet drops by swapping
; the source and destination addresses
when a SYN-acK packet was captured first.
; Probably useful to set it false, when
running Arkime in wild due to SYN floods.
(default: true) [$ARKIME_ANTISYNDROP]
--logEveryXPackets= DEBUG - Write to stdout info every X
; Set to -1 to never log status (default:
--logUnknownProtocols= DEBUG - Write to stdout unknown protocols
(default: false)
--logESRequests= DEBUG - Write to stdout elastic search
requests (default: true)
--logFileCreation= DEBUG - Write to stdout file creation
information (default: true)
--userAuthIps= IPs allow to be used for authenticated
calls (default:,::1)
--userAutoCreateTmpl= When using requiredAuthHeader to
externalize provisioning of users to a
system like LDAP/AD, this configuration
parameter is used to define the JSON
structure used to automatically create a
arkime user in the arkime users database
if one does not exist. The user will only
be created if the requiredAuthHeader
includes the expected value in
requiredAuthHeaderVal, and is not
automatically deleted if the auth headers
are not present. Values can be populated
into the creation JSON to dynamically
populate fields into the user database,
which are passed in as HTTP headers along
with the user and auth headers. The
example value below creates a user with a
userId pulled from the http_auth_http_user
HTTP header with a name pulled from the
http_auth_mail user header. It is expected
that these headers are passed in from an
apache (or similar) instance that fronts
the arkime viewer as described in the
documentation supporting userNameHeader
--authClientId= The OIDC client id [$ARKIME_AUTHCLIENTID]
--authClientSecret= The OIDC Client Secret
--authDiscoveryUrl= The OIDC discover wellknown URL.
--authRedirectURL= Comma separated list of redirect URLs.
Maybe should end with /auth/login/callback
--authUserIdField= The field to use in the response from OIDC
that contains the userId
-h, --help Print this help to stdout
--dumpConfig generate an Arkime config file based on
current inputs (flags, input config file
and environment variables) and write to
--skipTlsVerifiction Skip TLS verification for Elasticsearch
--noConf=[true|false] Do not use any of the provided flags to
generate a Config file, used when config
file is directly mounted inside the
container (default: false) [$ARKIME_NOCONF]
--configPath= path to look for Arkime Config file
(default: /opt/arkime/etc/config.ini)
--version=[true|false] print version and exit (default: false)
--autoInit=[true|false] atuomatically initialize Elastic indices
if sequence_v2 and sequence_v1 were not
present (default: true) [$ARKIME_AUTOINIT]
--forceInit=[true|false] force initialization of Arkime Elastic
indices from scratch (default: false)
--createAdminUser=[true|false] create admin user at startup (default:
--adminCreds= Administrator Credentials (default:
admin:arkime) [$ARKIME_ADMINCREDS]
--captureHost= the --host passed to capture (default:
--esHealthcheckInterval= Interval to check Elastic avalability
(default: 60s)
--viewerCheckInterval= Interval to check Viewer avalability
(default: 60s)
--capturerCheckInterval= Interval to check Capturer avalability
(default: 60s)
--viewerLogLocation= Viewer log location, empty value pushes
the log to container's stdout
--capturerLogLocation= Capturer log location, empty value pushes
the log to container's stdout
--ipv4SpaceURL= Download IPv4 space on startup and push to
rirFile location defined in ArkimeOptions.
empty means disabled (default:
--manufURL= Download MAC Vendor mapping on startup and
push to ouiFile location defined in
ArkimeOptions. empty means disabled
ed/data/manuf) [$ARKIME_MANUFURL]
--geoLite2CountryURL= Download GeoLite2 Country mmdb on startup
and push to geoLite2Country location
defined in ArkimeOptions. empty means
disabled (default:
--geoLite2ASNURL= Download GeoLite2 ASN mmdb on startup and
push to geoLite2ASN location defined in
ArkimeOptions. empty means disabled
--geoLiteRefreshInterval= Auto re-download interval for
GeoLite2CountryURL and GeoLite2ASNURL
(default: 168h)
can pass on a user-provided ini
config file to the container, something like this:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/config.ini:/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini -v /opt/arkime/raw:/opt/arkime/raw --net host --configPath=/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini
IMPORTANT NOTE: current implementation does not support anything otuside the [default]
section for the .ini
file and will throw an error if there's anything else other than the [default]
section is present.
also supports command line arguments as well as Environment variables to set most common commands into an Arkime-compatible .ini
file on container's startup, so the user won't have to deal with managing an extra ini
file dynamically.
docker run -it --rm \
--volume /data/moloch/raw:/opt/arkime/raw \
--net host \ \
--passwordSecret=Passw0rd \
--elasticsearch= \
--interface=lo \
by default, arkime-supervisor
will download 4 files on startup: ipv4-address-space.csv
, manuf
, GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
and GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
. ipv4-address-space.csv
, manuf
are considered static and not subject to many changes, so arkime-supervisor
will not try to keep them up to date automatically, but GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
and GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
can be re-fetched by setting geoLiteRefreshInterval to any positive time duration. Default is 1 week (168 hours).
will check on viewer and capture process every 5 seconds to see if they're still running and if they've exited, it tries to restart them.