1.Install Python & Git:
For Windows:
winget install python3.10
winget install Git.Git
For Linux:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3.10 git
For MacOS:
brew install [email protected] git
For Termux:
pkg install python -y
2.Download Repository:
git clone https://github.com/TheCaduceus/tg-upload.git
3.Change Directory:
cd tg-upload
3.Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
4.Run the program:
python tg-upload.py --help
tg-upload provides multiple options known as flags to control overall behaviour of the program, flags are categorized as follows:
Login flags are responsible for controling behaviour of the program during authentication flow.
--profile - Name of your new/existing session.
--api_id - Telegram API ID required to create new session.
--api_hash - Telegram API HASH required to create new session.
--phone - Phone number (international format) required to login as user.
--hide_pswd - Hide 2FA password using getpass.
--bot - Telegram bot token required to login as bot.
--login_string - Session string to login without auth & creating an session file.
--export_string - Generate & display session string using existing session file.
--login_only - Exit immediately after authorization process.
File flags are used to provide information about file/folder.
--path - Path to the file or folder to upload.
--filename - To upload data with custom name.
--thumb - Path of thumbnail image (JPEG format) to be attached with given file.
--caption - Caption text to be attached with file(s), markdown & HTML formatting allowed.
Behaviour flags controls the behaviour of transmission.
--chat_id - Identity of chat to send the file to? can be username, phone number (international format) or ID number. By default to Saved Messages.
--as_photo - Send given file as picture.
--as_video - Send given file as video.
--as_audio - Send given file as audio.
--as_voice - Send given file as voice.
--as_video_note - Send given file as video note.
--disable_stream - Disable streaming for given video.
--spoiler - Send media with spoiler animation.
--delete_on_done - Delete the given file after task completion.
--width - Set custom width for video.
--height - Set custom height for video.
--artist - Set artist name of given audio file.
--title - Set title of given audio file
--silent - Send files silently to given chat.
--recursive - Upload files recursively if path is a folder.
--prefix - Add given prefix text to each filename (prefix + filename) before upload.
--no_warn - Don't show warning messages.
1.Create a Telegram app:
Go to My Telegram and create an app and get its API_ID & API_HASH and save it somewhere securely and treat them as you bank password.
2.Login in tg-upload:
tg-upload supports login as user (using phone number or session string) or bot (using bot token), you must pass the value of your API_ID (--api_id
) & API_HASH (--api_hash
) and a unique name for your session (--profile
), to login as user you must pass your phone number (--phone
) or to login as bot pass bot token (--bot
python tg-upload.py --profile VALUE --api_id VALUE --api_hash VALUE --phone VALUE --login_only
now from next time whenever you need to perform any task, you just need to pass the profile name (--profile
) which you used to create your session and you will be logged in without any authentication flow (until you terminate the session from Telegram app).
3.Get started:
Hooray! now you are all set to use tg-upload. You can try out some sample commands that will help you to get started quickly:
Get help & options:
python tg-upload.py -h
Upload files/folder:
python tg-upload.py --profile VALUE --path VALUE --OTHER OPTIONAL FLAGS
1.File size:
- 2GB for bots & freemium users.
- 4GB for premium users.
- Only JPEG format.
- Size should be 200 KB or below.
- Width & height should not be more than 320 pixels.
- 1024 characters for all files & media.
Dr.Caduceus: Owner & current maintainer of tg-upload.